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halftime thickie

a girl who is thick but is also chubby; or a girl who is only thick in one area

yo did you see jessica

ya man! she was a halftime thickie!

by seasonal clout February 22, 2018

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Blackberry Halftime

The period in the work bathroom between the actual act of defecating and wiping one's ass. This period was previously spent on the "sports section halftime", but is now the Blackberry Halftime, spent replying to inane questions from your boss.

Creepy Coworker: Long time in the bathroom there Jim...
You: Yeah, long blackberry halftime. Had to reply to the email about the meeting next week.

by flamewar November 14, 2011

Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show

the most disappointing halftime show to date, promising sweet victory, but providing sicko mode instead.

The Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show was a huge letdown. Let's dislike it on YouTube!

by wulfbrick February 4, 2019

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Pepsi Super Bowl LVI Halftime Show

The greatest Halftime Show of all time. Better than Prince.

"Last week's Super Bowl Halftime was better"
"The Weeknd is mid bro"
"Pepsi Super Bowl LVI Halftime Show was garbage"

by Jt91108 March 15, 2022

Halftime Honey

A girl who shelters a parolee boyfriend who then leaves her the day his parole ends.

He’s off parole and back on his bullshit after ghosting his halftime honey.

by Thodav February 17, 2023

Halftime Hangover

The feeling that you get, typically at the halftime of a football game, after you've been drunk during the day but it has started to wear off. Symptoms include mild headache, watery-mouth, and the insatiable desire to obtain more booze to prevent full-on sobriety.

"Dude...we need to find some more beer around here somewhere, I'm startin' to feel a Halftime Hangover sinking in"

by Mike_Garfunkle November 19, 2015


When you take Half a Perc(Oxycodone) and Half a Xanax(Alprazolam). One of the best feelings in the world.


“Half a perky half a xanny nigga half time
Lyrics from Young Thug - Halftime

“Bro I’m about to go up a halftime real quick I’m tryna get high”

by SackRunna223 August 6, 2021