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Quick pronunciation of the command 'Hand me'.

"Hamme the remote, Ima change the channel."

"Hamme the ball Jefferson, you're out of the game."

by Valmeijita November 25, 2009

4👍 3👎



Man that dude is going HAMM

by udontknowmeson July 24, 2011

9👍 13👎


Shit beer

Did you taste that nasty Hamms at the party last night?

by ClassyBitch2016 April 3, 2016

5👍 5👎


He is the fat guy from Bust A Groove.
He has a fish face. He loves hamburgers!

Hamm: My tummy is so big, I haven't seen my feet in months. Burger time!

by wakalakalover45 April 7, 2005

17👍 42👎


Hamme is a word for lazy people. It is a combination of either had me or hand me.

That joke hamme laughin' so hard bro
Hamme the remote.

by MavGangGang March 8, 2019

1👍 1👎

hamm jam

the glorious combination of a Hamm’s tallboy (born of the sky blue waters) with a precious allocation of Jamison Irish whiskey (poet juice) Well travelled humans have been know to refer to a hamm jam as the ‘fountain of youth’

How was your Monday night? Well, I consumed three hamm jams and woke up in the park. Now I’m a better human.

by marcsu October 14, 2018

ryan hamm

big fat cheater who cant tell the truth if his life depended on it. betrayed the one girl who could actually put up with him and cared abt him. made everything and everyone else take the blame for his own mistakes and picked TWO randoms over the girl he pretended to love “oh yeah she’s gone” … i hope she was worth everything. but thank you because now i can listen to taylor swift’s breakup songs and they’re SO much better

p.s you did a really great job at showing me how much you care

“wow ryan hamm is really about to throw his life away with parties and hoes instead of settling down with a girl who his mom would LOVE”

“wow ryan hamm doesn’t know what he’s missing

by heartbroken<\3 July 8, 2021

11👍 1👎