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Essentially a handjob except for a handy is often quick and on the sly. Ejaculation may or may not occur on the female, depending on the location recieved. In order to have a "sick handy" one must both turn down a BJ or sex in exchange for the handy, and must also bust a load directly onto the female in excess of 3 oz's of manjuice.

Dr D got a sick handy from some bitch with a sideways puntang last night.

by Vlad and Don P July 11, 2006

23πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


Being pysically inpared

"Look.. its a handy person"

by Jiovani August 20, 2006

4πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


Handy- means to be handycapped or be doing a skechy move to someone

man vezina's handy, are you hanging out tongiht? no im hanging with the girlfriend. thats handy

by The-Mac December 8, 2007

1πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


The depots carpentier. Handy is known for his wry humour, strict authoritarian leadership, and of course, he makes "the bess boxes outside of la belle province". He is also known for his knack at getting the Jacque de Jour, which is in ze gap (between his teets)

Handy, can you make me a wooden box for my guitar case. Your work is good stuff

by Dr Sofwood December 2, 2004

1πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


to wrap your hand around a guys cock and vigoriously move up and down until the male begins to cum

I gave my boyfriend a handy and then had to wash my hands because there was cum on them.

by ; ) May 1, 2003

914πŸ‘ 433πŸ‘Ž


Someone that could be so stupid sometimes, though fun to be around. Usually a caring person as charismatic. Sometimes you wanna slap them and say what? But you still love em I guess. Also they are pretty funny and stupid.

You’re such a handi? you’re pulling a handi .

by Timothy crude December 18, 2017

22πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A short form of the phease "hand job". A sexual practice, usually first practived in the pre- or early teen years, where a girl masterbates a guy with her hand. Handies often lead to harder forms of sex, such as blow jobs, which initially is just a handie where she puts her mouth over the top of the penis until he ejaculates into her mouth instead of into the air.

Bob's little sister Paula was teasing me so much that I finally told her to either stop it or she'd have to give me a handie to take care of the arousal she caused. Being curious about what a handie was, she let me teach her how to do it. She even took her top off so I could cum on her developing breasts. A month later, a handie led to me cumming in her mouth.

by BRD November 22, 2004

397πŸ‘ 227πŸ‘Ž