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hangnail bitch

The person that lingers there but still hurts you the most, like a piece of hangnail that hangs around but is very painful to yank out; sometimes referred to just hangnail.

Person A: Why are you still texting your ex? Didn't he broke up with you like 2 weeks ago?
Person B: Yeah i know, but it's complicated, i think i still have feelings for him.
Person A: Gurl, block his sorry ass, yank this hangnail bitch out!

by koithecarpfish October 30, 2019

Louisiana Hangnail

An aborted fetus shoved up the anus of your partner.

I was ok with my girlfriend being kind of kinky, but when she asked for a Louisiana Hangnail, I got the hell out of there!

by juan jorge castro March 22, 2011

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Hangnail Anus

A scarred rectum - usually the result of tearing during unsuccessful anal sex.

"Yeah, she wanted a rimjob but I am not putting my tongue near that hangnail anus"

"I would ask her for anal but she's probably all scared and shit. Total hangnail anus."

by Zeekology February 29, 2012

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hangnail nip

When one has nipples that seem to angle towards the ground in a saddened fashion.

Damn! Freddie has some hangnail nipples.

by Just1andother December 8, 2016


those bitches fucking HURT

i peeled a hangnail last night and it really hurts OW FUCK

by asscheeksdoubleboop May 11, 2020


A hangnail is not a metal nail that is hanging, it is a dead piece of skin slightly ripped off yet still connected to the body. At times this can leave a small chunk of bare skin.

"Man I just hate hangnails!"

by blubarsnork January 21, 2021