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Hug Harbour

Originated from a Shaw commercial. A fun way to ask for a hug. You open your arms up as if to let someone come in for a hug (this shape resembles the shape of a harbour), and then you use the phrase.

"Awe you poor thing...come on and pull yourself into hug harbour"

by Typsiebird July 27, 2007

David Harbour

The fittest man alive omg this man is literally so hot Jesus christ like I didn't think anyone could be THIS fit he is so amazing and attractive and cool and I love him so much everyone should find him attractive actually no only I can bit like everyone can appreciate his attractiveness but leave him for ME

(he's also an actor)

Person 1- omg look it's David harbour
Person 2- wow he is so fit and attractive!!
Person 1- ikr!

by Super00sucker June 12, 2022

Fragrant Harbour

Pilot slang for Hong Kong, an ironic translation of its name (which means 'Fragrant Harbour' in Chinese). The joke is partly on the local scent of some of the poorer regions, and partly on the difficult approach to Runway 13 of Hong Kong's now-decommissioned Kai Tak airport, which 'stank'.

Back in the day I had a layover in Fragrant Harbour and I bumped into your mom while shopping for souvenirs in the red light district.

by Gun Arvidssen June 26, 2008

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Coffs Harbour

A place full of extremely arrogant, hostile people. A secret survey by the tourist board recently found it was the second least friendly town in ALL Australia.

A place where the motels are all 40+ years old but still charge like a new one even though it's right next to a very busy noisy highway and you WON'T be getting any sleep.

A place where there are no jobs but everyone still judges you a lot for not having one.

A: I'm going to Coffs Harbour

B: Why not just punch yourself in the head, it'll feel the same and be less expensive.

by I hate Coffs Harbour January 13, 2012

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harbouring bitches

Harbouring is the act of preventing anyone else rinsing or showing interest in a girl despite having no actual right to "harbour" them. This act is generally frowned upon and this act should not be tolerated in modern society. Punishments of this act may include being made to sleep in the 'wankin cupboard'.

One of the biggest harbourers known to man is Benjamin James Peers. He is known to pull a "westy" or a "grimmer" if someone rinses one of his girls. He can be a bad babysitter this kid when it comes to harbouring bitches.

by johnnyinmyunderpants November 4, 2010

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Cole Harbour

A suburb of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, it is the birthplace of sidney crosby (aka sid the kid), joey dipenta and lots of other famous people.

Guy: Hey, Sidney Crosby is awesome, where's he from?
Girl: Cole Harbour of course!

by aef_6666 February 15, 2009

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meat harbour

The name given to a large vagina

That girl last night had a bit of a meat harbour

by stephenlamp October 12, 2007