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Normaly a beautiful, musical and caring girl. She may seem shy to all that don't know her, but she is outgoing and down to earth to those she knows well. Once you become close friends with Harmony, she will open up to you and your relationship will last a life time.

Your relationship with Harmony will last a life time.

by HarmonyharmonyHarmony August 18, 2010

415πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž


a completely beautiful girl. her eyes are beautiful and blue, and shes a chameleon who is always trying to blend with the people around her. she always breaks her own heart without meaning to. she comes off as crazy and outgoing, but behind it is a shy girl just waiting to be loved. she never gets treated right by guys...so be the first!!! she's the one you wished you had gone out with in high school.

Harmony is the girl you regret rejecting in high school.

by inluv February 12, 2010

495πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž


hottest most lovely girl anyone could ever ask for, best best best.

look at that fine ass honey shes almost as dope as harmony

by tikitikitembonosarembo November 17, 2010

177πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


1. combination of simultaneous musical notes to produce chords that have a pleasing effect/forming a pleasing and consistent whole
2. agreement or concord
3. in the Harry Potter books by JK Rowling, harmony is another name for the Harry and Hermione ship (equivalent to celebrity couple names, aka Brad + Angelina = Brangelina. Harry + Hermione = Harmony).

Harmonians, as the followers of this ship are called, believe that Harry and Hermione's friendship had much more potential and depth for a romantic relationship than Ron and Hermione's bickering.

Harmonians, or the Harmony ship, is often referred to as "delusional," and Harmonians are repeatedly told to reread the books by Herons (The Ron and Hermione ship) who think we missed all the anvil sized arguments, aka "hints," between Ron and Hermione that reveal their, um, "sexual" tension, when in fact Harmonians very much acknowledge Heron's "I-hate-you-but-I-really-love-you, push-the-girl-on-the-playground-because-I-really-have-a-crush-on-you-Freudian-psycho-babble-theory thing they have going on, but simply prefer the "love is friendship on fire/love without friendship for it's base is like a mansion built upon the sand" Harry and Hermione could have had going on. Harmonians also respect Hermione enough to want her to be with someone that can actually challenge (intellectually and otherwise) her as a person (Harry), rather than simply challenge her patience (Ron).

Heron shipper: Harry and Hermione are too serious, Ron and Hermione have so much fun together. Ron can make her laugh.
Harmony shipper: You do realize H/Hr are fighting a war against Voldemort and are prepared for the fact that they may die? Yeah, I don't understand why they're so gloomy either... idiots. Oh, and Ron making her laugh... that happened somewhere between making her cry and abandoning her, right? If you're gonna take THAT angle, just get her with a Weasley twin, why don't cha? Idiots.

Heron shipper: Harry and Hermione have a purely platonic, brother/sister relationship.
Harmony shipper: A brother-sister relationship? I have never had Harry and Hermione's relationship with any of my siblings. But, believe it or not, I DO fight and bicker like a 5 year old with them pretty often... GASP! That must mean we are destined to be together! Seriously? And all of you platonic-pushers do realize that Hermione and Ron were platonic too at first, right? They didn't jump into the sack when they were 11. Idiots.

Heron shippers: Hermione is much more attracted to freakishly tall, immature, lazy, intellectually boring, ginger guys that make her cry over her regularly tall, raven-haired, kind, brave and self-sacrificing, emerald-green-eyed best friend!
Harmony shippers: Um. Really?

by ashleymd7 December 27, 2011

518πŸ‘ 241πŸ‘Ž


A harmony is literally the best girl ever like the nicest i wish i could say a harmony was mine but yknow i cant. But if you have a friend named harmony keep her shes worth alot. Trust me.

Girl 1: i really need a harmony

Girl 2: go get one there literally the best
Girl 1: OMG?!?!? Really!?!?!
Girl 2: yeah
Girl 1: thx

by Yagirl456 July 22, 2019

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Someone named Harmony has a big butt is funny sweet nice kinda quiet Harmony also wears cute clothes and the one who is writing this is lesbian

Person 1: Broooo did you see Harmony in her new jeans today

Person 2: Naw man why
Person 1: Her butt is huge

Person 2: it’s because she’s a Harmony

by The rat queen who speaks facts December 3, 2019

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Harmony aka the most beautiful person in the world harmony’s are all intelligent with a great personality if you so happen to be loved by a harmony you are one lucky person most harmony’s are not that tall but about 166cm as an avarage. On the other hand if you love harmony and want to marry her she will want to marry you to. Common peoples names a harmony typically loves. Coby, Cory, Conner, izac and Jamie

Harmony is a very beautiful kind person and sometimes she can call herself a bitch but she not

by Youth politics December 7, 2018

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž