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Hawaiian Slut

One part 99 Bananas, one part Malibu Rum, topped of with sprite and cranberry juice.

"hey girl, make me a Hawaiian Slut"

by Shine on this January 1, 2017

hawaiian gardens

Hawaiian gardens is in California, and is the pit of Long Beach, the most cop infested area around. There are more cops than civilians surrounded around the town, if your driving down a residential street in Hawaiian gardens make sure you go fast enough so the residents don’t throw rocks at your car. THERES HAWAIIAN GARDENS FOR YOU!!!!

Dude, we gotta drive down to Hawaiian gardens, cuz my welfare being cut off soon!

by Redwest December 15, 2017

11👍 1👎

Hawaiian Island

When you take a dump so big that it sticks up out of the water just like Hawaii. Usually has a texture similar to pancake batter. This can easily be done by making a lily pad of shit tickets before blowing mud. In a true Hawaiian Island, no paper is used.

This morning I made a Hawaiian Island so I left it for my ol' lady to see.

After a taco eating contest, Clyde had to race to the shitter to make a Hawaiian Island.

by duckkiller June 9, 2013

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Hawaiian Pineapple

When you ram a pineapple up a bitches ass and then proceed to tickle her vagina with the green leaves on the pineapple.

I just picked up a pineapple at the store, hopefully Sally is down to recieve that Hawaiian Pineapple tonight.

by Garret Sumter May 18, 2015

28👍 6👎

Hawaiian Handjob

When you make the Shaka sign with your hand and alternate fingering a girl with your thumb and pinky

“Your middle finger is too big just give me a Hawaiian Handjob”

by Wombat Fucker January 24, 2022

Hawaiian Uber

Hawaiian Uber is when a surfer tows another person through the break water. This phrase is coined by professional surfer Tyler Larronde when he tows surf students through the break water using is big toe.

Would you like a Hawaiian Uber or would you like to paddle yourself through the break?

by Cbonesteak July 22, 2019

Hawaiian squat

When you have to pee at the beach and the water is too cold and there's no bathroom nearby, you dig a hole, squat and pee.

Nancie had 4 beers and needed to pee and the ocean was freezing and she couldn't find a bathroom, so she took a Hawaiian squat.

by Beachboy1 July 1, 2017