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She is a very beautiful girl , she can be very crazy , kind , amazing and caring , she can give people so many chances, chance after chance ! If you have a Hennessy keep her she is coming me to keep , she is very loyal she would hurt anyone cause she cares for every person she knows! she can be cute and very kind when she talks to you , she will always find a way to forgive people, and become friends....if you hurt her she will fight back and try to become friends with you so keep her she is an amazing , beautiful girl with a big heart so don’t ever let her goo , stay true with her

boy : hey Hennessy

Hennessy : hello cutie

Boy : can I cuff you

Hennessy : let’s talk more :)
boy : okayyy! :)

by Maria Gomez December 29, 2017

4πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


One of the strongest and sweetest girls you’ll meet. Hennessy is the type of girl that turns heads. Not only does she have the look, but she has one of the kindest personalities you’ve ever met. She has stunning eyes, and is also very smart. While she can break down easily, mostly over a boy, she gets herself back up and goes out into the world seeking adventure.

Boy 1: Omg guys it’s Hennessy
Boy 2: Dude she’s so hot
Boy 1: I know right, wish she was mine

by namerthegamer October 23, 2019

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A liquor marketed towards black people as being the greatest thing ever. It actually isn't that bad, but it isn't nearly as good as the hype may suggest, and is deliberately priced high to make it seem exclusive when it tastes the same as a lot of $20 cognacs and brandys. I'd take a Woodford or a decent scotch any day over this stuff and spend less money.

Hennessy's popularity is a fabrication of America's military/industrial/rap music complex. Thanks, Tupac.

by jimmy911 August 31, 2010

612πŸ‘ 359πŸ‘Ž


A hard liquor that black people from the ghetto drink to solve all their problems. Sometimes poured out to honor another's death.

Yo G! mah girl is havin' a baby, pass me the hennessy dogg!

by Trevor E. April 26, 2006

647πŸ‘ 717πŸ‘Ž


An anglo-saxon brandy accorded high status in some sectors of the upwardly mobile African-American community, Hennessy is widely believed to compensate for deficiencies in manners, refinement, and taste.

". . . you gotta mix some HENNESSY in with that"

by PAVI July 23, 2006

146πŸ‘ 202πŸ‘Ž

Hennessy Rates

Exorbitant pricing that can be generally justified by superior quality or status-signaling branding.

It is in reference to the LMVH cognac, Hennessey, of the which has successfully branded itself as a popular status-signalling luxury drink.

The phrase is attributed to President Joe Biden's son, Hunter.

Nigga, you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.

by Merking You June 12, 2021

30πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Conversation and Hennessy

A way of describing how you proceeded to get a person to leave with you from the night club. In it's simplest way the method involves smooth talking (conversation) and the involvement of Hennessy (high end cognac).

Nate Dog famous line in Eminems song "Shake That":
"... I met a bad b*tch last night in the D
Let me tell you how I made her leave with me
Conversation and Hennessy"

guy: "How did you get her to leave with you?"
me: "Conversation and Hennessy"

by @larry October 5, 2022