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A bubbly and funny girl to be around, one of a kind. She is always there for you and she will fight until she can’t anymore for you. She gives the best advice for any situation and never gives up. Even if she’s sad herself she will always be happy for you and try to make you happy if you aren’t. She is hot and brainy so she gets a lot of male attention but as soon as she has Someone she will be faithful until she gets to her deathbed. She is the best friend anyone could ask for and no one can get in the way of what she wants

Random person: “that honey girl seems nice!”
Best friend: “yeah I know, she’s my goddam best friend I love her so much!!”

by Agirlwithdreamsxxx July 30, 2018

10👍 4👎


A girl who has everything - good looks, personality and brains.

"Honey's so fine, she's so mine"

by yehon009 July 11, 2008

591👍 372👎


Bee cum

I smiled gently as I looked down at the tiny bee sitting on my finger, splurting its sticky sweet honey all down my hand. I giggled as I felt its warmth spread through my hand.

I'm sooooo sorry...

by EdenCan'tBreath December 24, 2019

23👍 10👎


Beautiful young girl who can do makeup better that James Charles. Honey has the cutest dog ever! Honey has the most massively amazing personality

❤️ honey is amazing

by Honey the person June 10, 2020

8👍 5👎


What you say to your wife/girlfriend when you forget their name.

Female: Hey John?

Male: Yea uhhhhh... honey?

by Jtan17 June 8, 2011

284👍 199👎


An overall perfect person. They’re epic, amazing, and so funnyicanteven-

Sentence Example : Honey was, and still is, what you’d call a God.

by YamiOwO September 7, 2019

9👍 4👎


you had a long day, already in bed. finished a chapter of "Twilight Zone" and spark off with joy when he enters the room

"Honey!! Hey"

by Krkič May 9, 2019