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hot tub hand

Noun: When you finger blast a juicy wet snatch for hours and your hand gets all wrinkly like you’re body when you’ve been in a hot tub for a long time.

Brock: Man I was feeding Maddy’s pony all afternoon if you know what I mean. I’m pretty sure I have carpal tunnel syndrome.

LaTrell: Yeah I saw your hot tub hand outside the drivers window as you pulled up.

Brock: Yeah she was juicy to say the least.

by CB from the WD April 30, 2020

hot cheeto hand job

When a girl of African or mexican descent eats a whole bag of hot Cheetos then proceeds to give you a hand job with the hot Cheeto dust on her fingers.

Did you hear cole got a hot Cheeto hand job from lily rainbow?

by Pallelo pallelo August 14, 2021

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Tapatilo Hot Hand

A Klingon sex move where you spear Tapatilo Hot Sauce on your hands before giving your partner a handjob or fingering.

Friend 1: How did your date with the Klingon girl go?

Friend 2: Uhh not THAT well we probably won’t hang out again but we fooled around a bit; at least I got a Tapatilo Hot Hand out of it.

by WordOfTheDay83 April 15, 2023

Tapatio Hot Hand

Intimate usage of one's hands; either on one's self or another.

Hey, did you hear? Ricardo was caught giving Tapatio Hot Hands outside Zellers again.

by NBST June 13, 2024

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