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Hypixel Skyblock

some shitty game that the hypixel staff only cares about because of its fucking player count

Hypixel Skyblock is the worst gane on hypixel since pixel painters

by Jfke May 12, 2020

30๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž

hypixel skyblock

just grinding and torture

im playing hypixel skyblock i going to die

by ajkldskjldassdjkal December 14, 2020

45๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hypixel SkyBlock

a prison

.man I hate Hypixel SkyBlock I wish I could quit, this game is so boring, it's like a prison

by DankNemes December 6, 2020

39๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hypixel skyblock

A minigame on Hypixel

The game is referred to as a prison because of the fact that once you reach a certain playtime it is nearly impossible to try and quit the game.Only the most strong-willed inviduals can quit the game and even then its very hard for them to do so.

Hypixel skyblock player:Man i wish i can quit hypixel skyblock.
Hypixel skyblock player 2:I know right i have spent over 5K hours on dungeons.

by AMonguslover646464 September 26, 2021

hypixel skyblock

A game where the ultimate goal is to stop playing hypixel skyblock.

Lets go i got 60m coins from my minions! in hypixel skyblock

by SweatyNoLife August 13, 2022

hypixel skyblock

a game where you waste hundreds of hours to get slight stat boosts and slightly better gear

guy 1: hey do u play hypixel skyblock
guy 2: yes

guy 1: Ok

by tostring December 8, 2021

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

hypixel skyblock

You're soo bored to the point you enjoy staying inside all day.

I played hypixel skyblock and didnt go outside.

by super256 August 3, 2022