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Displaying agressive emotions in a stupid and irrational manner.
In other words, being hysteric is showing that you're currently a fool, undeserving any kind of credibility.

- Basically i abuse this nuke in the game that is really easy to use and kills everyone, nobody uses it bc they care about people but i use it.

- Aren't you stealing everyone's fun doing this?

- Why should i care if anyone is having fun? And there's (list of things that aren't overpowered or better other stuff in the game that they think it's bad because someone typed "is bad" on reddit like always), these are all overpowered and just bad one trick cuck stuff.

- Jesus fucking christ, you're such a hysteric little bitch.

by TheEdgiestName April 24, 2021

hysterical laughter

To come face to face with an epiphany moment that results in an instantaneous burst of uncontrollable laughter for a prolonged period of time.

I suppressed the thought of being pregnant while getting through final exams followed by a trip to the pharmacy. As soon as I saw the result of my pregnancy test I broke out into hysterical laughter.

by MAM803 January 22, 2016

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hysterical literature

A series of videos where women read an extract from a book , while being jerked off by a vibrator underneath the table. After the women has an orgasm, She looks into the camera and tells you her name and the book she was reading/just read.

That girl started moaning as she read the book. I then realised she was having an orgasm. That's Hysterical Literature for you.

by KSSLad August 6, 2018

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hysterical Bitch

A bitch who is always overly dramatic &/or so crazy that it's funny.

(Typical Conversation)
Boy: Pass the mustard, please?
Girl: ...Why do I have to get it? Why couldn't you ask the person right beside me, huh!? HUH!?
Boy: What?
Girl: I don't like how you talk to me!!! Don't WHAT me! You, mf-er!
Boy: All I said was to pass the MUSTARD, you hysterical bitch!

by King or Queen September 23, 2006

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Hysterically gimped

when your laughing so hard that you can no longer breathe or move for a couple seconds.

Mike hysterically gimped me when he fell off the ladder

by Hysterically gimped July 21, 2014

Hysterical Accuracy

'dramatic purposes'; changing the facts to make your story funnier or more interesting (and possibly to dodge potential defamatory / libel lawsuits)

some of the characters names and certain locations and events have been fictionalised for hysterical accuracy

by Peter Greenwall April 24, 2011

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Hysterical Paroxysm


I had 12 hysterical paroxysms yesterday.

by Rhonda246 September 13, 2008

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