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Sexual Ideation

When you have considered or thought about same gender sex, but never followed through with it.


I’ve never been with a woman but had sexual ideation of Banging Carol.

by Sheryl Zupac December 25, 2020

Social Ideation

The process of brining ideas to life by collaborating, commenting, voting, etc. on on each others ideas socially through a web enabled platform.

If Facebook is...."Social Networking"
and Twitter is....."Social Media"
then AHHHA is...."Social Ideation"

by Mr. Idea March 13, 2011

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George Michael Ideation

Serious medical condition/mental disorder found in primarily in women that results from an inability to confront strong emotional and physical attraction to men with hot-ass George Michael stubble. Symptoms include listening to George Michael or Wham records on repeat, cutting out George Michael photos and posting them on your fridge, night-table or desktop. Also includes sudden or spontaneous thoughts about George Michael, existential longing to be with George Michael, erotic dreams about George Michael, moistness and occasional feminine discharge.

(3am)Melissa: “Mom, sorry to call so late but I just had another wet dream about George Michael. I'm scared”
Mom: “|That's strange. Your sudden longing for George Michael concerns me. Is there any one in your life with really hot-ass stubble?”
Melissa “Just john from my design class, why does that matter?.”
Mom: “It sounds like you have a bad case of George Michael Ideation induced by his hot-ass stubble. You'd better start banging him immediately before it gets worse”
Melissa: “Thanks mom, I will!”

by jmanuel June 22, 2010

27👍 2👎

Romanticized Ideation

Is what woman project on to men with big dicks to detract from the fact that they just hopped on the fastest cock they could find. This happens between "Initial Attraction" and continues until the "Label Phase" begins (Where you call yourself a couple, or fuck buddies, or whatever imaginary word or term you come up with for "Doubling down on the fat cock". After the "Label Phase", the "Rose colored shades" slowly fade and you are brought down to "Reality" and the "Novelty" of the first two phases is either replaced with "Nostalgia" or the relationship continues to deteriorate or end.

It looks something like this:

"Label Phase"

/ \ /

"RIP" / \ "RCGF" "Nostalgia" /

/ \ "Reality" /
"IA"/ \_______________/

/ \

\ "Deterioration"


So no. The piece of shit floppy cock you're fucking is not nor has he ever been great or good. Rather, you are either in the "RCGF" portion or the "Nostalgia" portion. Either way you're full of shit. Romanticized Ideation.

by Hym Iam November 9, 2020

4👍 30👎