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st. ignatius

1. Prep High school full of rich stressed teens. Populations come from Lincoln Park, Beverly, and wealthy Chicago Suburbs.
2. Northface, Burkenstock, iPod, Starbucks, Underaged Drinking,

1. She goes to st. ignatius, if you know what i mean... he he he...
2. I'm an iggy.

by Lucious Malfoy November 9, 2007

50πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

St. Ignatius College Prep

One of the smartest schools in Chicago. Students come from all places in Chicago just to come here. The best College Prep school out there. Known for academics, less about sports, but really who cares about sports?

Academics > Football team, actually truth be told, our football team is probably one of the worst in the nation.

Student #1 from SICP: Did we win in football today?

Student #2 from SICP: Yes!
Student #1 from SICP: Really? I don't believe that St. Ignatius College Prep could pull it off! That usually never HAPPENS!

by IGGYFTW November 10, 2009

213πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž

St. Ignatius College Prep

Although there is an SICP in California, the "sicker" one is in Chicago, Illinois.

Sure, the students have a strict dress code, and could tell other Ignatians from a mile away just by what they're wearing, but that doesn't mean they're awful/cultish people. Do not mistake all Ignatians for dumb kids who get all of their cash from their parents. Sure, some are like that, but many get jobs over the summer to save money for their college funds, to buy Kanye West T-shirts and matching sunglasses, or to buy tickets to Lollapalooza; a weekend concert which takes place every year in the first week of August.
These kids are hard workers, and on top of that, have a good fashion sense.
(well, a lot of them do.)

HINT: you can tell an ignatian from others if they've visited/heard of at least 20 different neighborhoods in Chicago.

StudentFromOtherSchoolOnTrain (either at Lasalle, Union, or Ogilvie): who are they?
Student 2: let's see here... Birkenstocks, northface, more presentable than the average person... they must be an Ignatian.
StudentFromOtherSchoolOnTrain: an Ignatian?
Student 2: yes. a person who comes from St. Ignatius College Prep.

by know your definitions August 23, 2008

139πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž

Saint Ignatius' College Riverview

Saint Ignatius' College Riverview, AKA Riverview, is Sydney's best private school

Person 1: So what school do you go to?
Person 2: I go to Saint Ignatius' College Riverview
Person 1: Lucky I wish i went to Sydney's best private school

by SlimeyFish April 14, 2021

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

St Ignatius College Prep

St Ignatius College Prep is a party school. It’s filled with rich kids who travel for summer and spring break and brag about it on social media. Their parents let them do whatever they want. Their parties consist of people who smoke weed, juul, and drink alcohol. All they care about is clout and the expensive materialistic items they own. They are always looking for a hook up, whether good or bad. If they aren’t wearing their strict dress code then they are probably wearing crop tops, leggings/jeans, and an Ignatius hoodie. If you do happen to spot them in their dress code, they probably are wearing a Lacoste or Ralph Lauren Polo or a Patagonia and khakis. The houses these kids live in are worth millions of dollars. They usually live in the suburbs of the Chicago (Hinsdale and Oak Park), although they claim they live in Chicago. If they do live in Chicago, they probably live in Beverly or Lincoln Park. Most of these kids come from FXW or Sacred Heart. If you got rejected you probably ended up at Latin, Parker, Lane, Loyola Academy, or some other horrible private school in the Chicago Area. The school’s athletics suck but they still come up with multiple awards per year.

Ignatius’ building is the most stunning campus you’ll ever see. It looks like a prestigious private high school from a movie. Most people wonder why you would pay $19,000 a year to go to this school, but those same people end up working for the students who attended Ignatius.

Person 1: Where do you go to school?
Person 2: St Ignatius College Prep
Person 1: Wow! No wonder you are wearing a collard shirt and khakis.

by chicagoteen March 24, 2019

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Saint Ignatius College Prep

A Catholic school in San Francisco, CA full of sporty white people who wear paper-thin leggings and Ugg boots every day. They never built a band room in the over 100 years it's been around. It has good academics, and PE is the hardest class most students will ever take.

They are proud of how diverse they are: 35% of students aren't white.

They have batting cages, 2 fields, about 5 tennis courts, a track, and a bunch of sporty stuff. When they hold masses, about half the student body is fried with weed, making the school a notorious Rastafarian hotspot.

SI has a rivalry with Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep, where they pass a trophy called the Bruce-Mahoney. They compete in football, basketball, and baseball. The winner takes home the trophy. The pep band is obliged to play for both schools at these events.

While most SI students are close to unaware that they have a band and orchestra, their chorus is a world-touring, prize-winning enterprise, and their musical is very good and sells out every year.

Most students have strong opinions about Justin Bieber and like either Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson, or Harry Potter. There are more unicorns than zombies, cowmen than farmers, democrats than republican, and Don't cares than pirates and ninjas. Facebook is the most popular website, and Mr. Lorentz' is the easiest religion class. Latin is the most boysterous language class, and either Spanish or French is the most popular.

Kid at mall #1:"Hey look, a kid in a polo, leggings, and uggs."
Kid at mall #2:"Must be from Saint Ignatius college prep."
SI Kid: *ignores the riffraff*

by Itachi-San April 15, 2011

80πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž

Saint Ignatius College Prep

This is a high school in San Francisco for rich, preppy pieces of shit who think they are superior to other people because they happen to be trust fund babies with sticks up their asses. They like to pay recruits a lot of money to go to their sorry ass school so that the sports teams can win...even though its fucking high school. With an enrollment of 1,400, there are curiously few minorities...namely blacks. That could be due to the fact that they are ignorant racist bastards...but is probably because no one wants to go to their sorry ass school. The school, located in the Sunset district in wonderful San Francisco, contains a large amount of suburb kids who should keep their annoying, rich-ass, snobby, and shithead asses at home.

There is a rather intense rivalry with a school across the city named Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep. A far superior school in terms of students and faculty, SHCP is very diverse, noticing that not only whites can read. A school which actually prepares its students for life after school, SHCP knows whats important. The "people" at Saint Ignatius are so envious and fussy about it their inferiority to SHCP that they mask it and call SH names like "stupid" or "poor," actions which make they SI Pussys...I mean Wildcats...sound more like assholes if that were possible. Yes, SI has won the Bruce Mahoney trophy many years running, but little do they know that SH has been letting them win simply for the fact that they feel sorry for the poor little SI Kittens. As an added bonus, SH students could kick any pussy boy SI student any day of the week...blindfolded...with a leg missing...and even if the SI kid had a gun. SI students are just that mind numbingly weak.

Person 1: Where do you go to school?
SI Student (wearing a pink polo and popped collar and aviators on cold, rainy day): I go to Saint Ignatius College Prep.
Person 1: I'm sorry.

Person in San Francisco: I don't like Saint Ignatius. It's fuckin' annoying.
Person in San Francisco's friend: No shit. Everyone knows that.

by yea thats right April 2, 2007

186πŸ‘ 403πŸ‘Ž