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A word that is used in hopes of coming across as intelligent by uneducated peoples to describe a peer.

Frank: Shut up, mayne.
Bo: Nah playa, why you always gotta step. Stop bein indignant.

by ya herd June 10, 2005

49πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž


The urban way to start a car

"You put the key indignation"

by Jordan D Hurt April 1, 2008

18πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


Acting like Donald Trump when discussing factual information

Jeez. I can’t handle four more years of that orange clown being so indignant every time someone asks him a question about his latest nonsense.

by Nsalty82 October 23, 2020

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Lord of Indignation

The title of Lord of Indignation is held by KΓ©nji Lescara, he holds this title as it fits no one better.

"Bow to the Lord of Indignation"

by KΓ©nji Lescara January 26, 2019

Indignation Junkie

Indignation Junkie is a term coined by David Brin in his novel "Existence". It refers to the gratification people feel when they are emotionally aroused by their own act of expressing outrage, frequently on a moral or social injustice issue. This actually causes their brains to release endorphins/dopamine, which cause a form of euphoria and further arousal. They actually get high from their own indignant rants.

"Mary spends every night arguing furiously with people on FaceBook. What cause is she so fired up about?"

"Does it matter? One thing yesterday, something else today. She really just likes arguing. She's such an indignation junkie"

by Twirlip of the Mists January 6, 2019

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

righteous indignation

What motivates people who dislike a popular TV show, movie, musical artist, TV or movie actor, etc. to go on the internet and voice their dislike. You'd think it would be as simple as "watch something else on TV", "don't see that movie", "don't listen to their music", "don't watch movies and TV shows that actor is in". Instead, some people have to use their dislike to feel superior to those who have completely different tastes.

Instead of changing the channel, some people keep watching a new TV show so they can express their righteous indignation before an internet community of people who do enjoy the new TV show.

by That Guy on That Show May 5, 2014

18πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Righteous Indignation Junkie

A term for what motivates a keyboard warrior (or moral grandstanding in general.)

Morality or ethics isn't the point. Genuine concern for the issue they're talking about, isn't the point. And social status/clout, doesn't quite cover their motivations either. Because this is a very specific kind of affirmation seeking.

People who are righteous indignation junkies today, are basically like a modern representation of the Salem Witch Trial crew...They've just exchanged their pitch forks for keyboards, and stake kindle for declarations of hardline"wokeness".

Just as some hivemind Salem dipshits, got a dopamine/neuroepinephrine rush, burning people at the stake back in the day (because they thought their actions were on the side of the angels)...Today's righteous indignation junkies are motivated by a similar chemical cocktail.

It's just that torture and public executions aren't a common pastime anymore, so that thirst for blood had to get a post-modern rebranding. That's what today's insincere moral outrage essentially is. Blood thirstiness channelled into a more socially acceptable package.

Have you ever come across someone who appears to constantly jump on the bandwagon of angry editorial headlines, without really knowing or caring about the topic at hand? Do all their posts have a tone of righteous indignation? Do they never talk about things that might improve a social issue (or things that are currently being done)? Does it appear like critical thinking is a foreign country in their brain? And everything they say is motivated by wanting to feel righteously indignant?

That's a righteous indignation junkie.

by Olive989 March 26, 2023