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A once great nation, crippled by Islam and its backward ape-like belief system. Controlled by a complete cunt of a dictator, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who I can only assume is in league with satan. Given the chance I'd shoot him in the face myself.

Iran ruled by a cunt - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

by mockofoil March 26, 2007

263๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž


The country which will not be invaded by the USA since, unlike Iraq, Iran has a missile range which can reach Europe, and a modern radar and communications system not to mention approximately an army, including both conventional and revolutionary personnel, of about 750,000 strong. Furthermore attacking Iran, the third largest oil producing country in the world, would dramatically increase oil prices. Notice that Iraq, despite having such a low production of oil, was able to increase the price of oil dramatically. The government also contributes to the stability of Afghanistan, Iraq, and virtually the entire eastern portion of the Near East. So any attack would compromise everything hat the USA tried to do in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Furthermore, it has been historically shown that any empire that tries to conquer the modern day Iran either losses control of it in about a hundred years, gets destroyed by Iranians, or eventually is taken over by Iranian administrators since the guys who have conquered Iran do not have a clue about running the governments. And given the current case of Iraq, the USA certainly falls under that category.

Furthermore, if the USA attacks Iran, a country with three times the land and populous of Iraq, would very dangerously stretch US forces too thin to effectively engage in an actual threat from another country.

Iran will not be next country attacked unless the entire US representative and military personnel are complete idiots. Therefore, it will most probably happen ;).

by cyrus III May 8, 2005

630๐Ÿ‘ 355๐Ÿ‘Ž


First of all, I'm Iranian. Secondly, take into consideration that Iran has been CORRUPTED by religion. When the Shah was in control, it was much better, and you all know it. It's blatant that when Khomeini (Bless his soul) came into control, Iran went downhill, and is still on that downfall. Hopefully the government will change.

Let's fly to Iran, and enjoy the supressed economy!

by sootie July 30, 2005

488๐Ÿ‘ 271๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country that once ruled the world before Arab invaded.
A None-Arabic country. Just because they are muslim, they shouldn't be consider as Arabs. Their language, culture, costumes and attitudes are different. It has just been influenced but isn't changed totally. They speak Farsi (Parsi) and their manner is nothing like Arabs.

Viva Persia ... Viva Iran!!!

by Persia August 23, 2006

174๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž


Iran was not perfect before the Islamic Revolution. Hence why there WAS an Islamic Revolution. The majority of people living in Iran were poor in the 20th century, while the Shah basked in riches. That's WHY they revolted.

Yes, Iran has had a rich past, but the lives of Iranians were not any better before the Islamic Revolution than they are now. They DID have more freedom, but there was still a great amount of dissatisfaction.

Mohammed Reza Shah tried to make the lives of Iranians better, but all his developments were centralized to the rich folks.

by Amir03 December 8, 2005

162๐Ÿ‘ 193๐Ÿ‘Ž



to resourcefully and technologically fight non-violently against a violently oppressive force on a massive, coordinated scale, especially when used against a dictator, authoritarian regime, or even a significant other.

Social: "John's has been cheating on you! It's ok tho, cuz all of us camera phoned him in the club hookin up with that Herpes girl. His std-risk ass is toast once we youtube it and he can't get anymore play! We're gonna Iran his ass!"

Academic: "My high school principal is threatening to suspend everyone until we all apologize for calling him a dictator. I'm tweeting the whole school to walk out of all classes at 2pm. Prepare to get 'Iraned,' bitch."

Political: "Hugo Chavez has jailed my uncle for the last motherf***ing time! Make a facebook event so we can Iran it on campus Saturday!"

by Iraning-it July 25, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


in fact it used to be a real empire,from west india to egypt including turkey,iraq,armenia,azerbaijan,afghanistan,pakistan,tajikestan,parts of saudi arabia,greece and africa and all small countries in this area.
Iran(Persia) is a world in one country,believe me.it has many interesting things worth to know.iranian are proud of their past and their culture which is almost ruined now.why?cuz of its goverments.they try to say their history had begun when islam came to iran.they are arab and like arabs but iranian are PERSIAN which is a branch of ARIA,another branch is GERMAN in europe.
the first writing about human rights which was used in human rights commission was written by Great Cyrus,Probably best king of iran governing 24 countries peacefully 2500 years ago.
Suez canal was dug by iranian kings to pass their ships to mediterranean sea.
probably iran is the only place in the world that you can sea a green jungle and a hot dessert in a distance less than 70 miles.
Lots of things to know about this country.
don be influenced by propaganda.
real interesting country...

Iran a must-know country...

by p_patriot August 9, 2010

38๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž