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Ivy League

A University where spoiled rich kids, or losers who had no social life in high school what so ever attend. Ivy League schools have the sluttiest girls in the United States, they love having sex with dudes that go to State Universities because dudes that go to State Universities are cooler than the nerds at Ivy Leagues.

Sir Elton Newton: Hi there, I go to an Ivy League College.

Brad: Dude, I don't give a fuck.... *sips beer*

Sir Elton Newton: Hahaha, very amusing. What college do you attend my friend?

Brad: University of Texas....*sips beer*

Sir Elton Newton: Hahahah, I go to one of the most prestigious Universities in the land.

Brad: *sips beer* I don't give fuck.

Sir Elton Newton: Hahaha, I bet you wish you were me don't you?

*Brad punches the shit out of the Ivy League fag, then bangs his girlfriend*

by College Dudez May 4, 2009

192๐Ÿ‘ 511๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ivy League

Reffering to all strains of marijuana, mostly those of high quality

Schools for snobby rich cumchuggers

"Yo man, i gots sum shit from da Ivy League, this shit, one hit, have you choking all night, ready to vomit."

"I'm harrison william terry rutheford the sixtyith cuz my family cant come up with original names, I paid my way through school and got to the Ivy League schools, where theres a bunch of drug addicts because there not prepared for it cuz they have had everything done for them."

by Billbob Wierdo April 23, 2009

77๐Ÿ‘ 244๐Ÿ‘Ž

ivy league

A collegiate sports conference that places academics first and athletics seconds, the Ivy League is the only Division I athletic conference that refuses to grant athletic scholarships. All schools also refuse to grant athletic scholarships, or any financial aid of any kind that isn't directly need-based.

People like to associate Ivy League with any extremely prestigious American university, but that is incorrect. Some schools, like Stanford, MIT, and Duke are academically on-par with schools in the Ivy League, but they are not Ivy League schools.

Some public schools brag that they are public ivy schools, referencing a book written years ago. It probably just means they have a misguided superiority complex.

The Ivy League consists of Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Yale, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, and Princeton.

by iLikeSoup February 23, 2010

159๐Ÿ‘ 317๐Ÿ‘Ž

ivy league

A place where all the little spoiled kids on long island go. Your dads a dentist, lawyer, in the mafia, works there, or is best friends with Noah. People who go there are obsessed with it and you probably hate them for it. They travel the world with cracked out coach bus drivers who consistently get into car accidents. The campers hate all of the counselors who work there. Ivy Leaguer's or .. IVYS .. is filled with alot of cliques and theres always drama. (sexy seven, nine noodleling night mares) are the main clique.

ivy league girl one - omg i got the cutest coach bus outfit for montreal
ivy league girl two- wow our counclers are so fattt
ivy league girl four- "i wonder what the sexy seven is wearing tommorro"
ivy league boy - THIS CAMP SUCKS

by Alex Haggy September 16, 2007

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ivy league of terrorism

A state or an institution, like Pakistan government and Pakistani Army, which acts a host to international cross-border terrorist groups and promotes them like ivy leagues of different sports and games.

Pakistan hosts Ivy League of terrorism, U.N. told.

by mailucmail December 14, 2016

28๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

ivy league sex

The act of performing sex with your khaki pants down around your ankles with your shoes still on, while wearing your collared shirt (still fully buttoned).

I was running late to a tennis match, and my girlfriend was so horny, she wouldn't let me leave until I fulfilled her urges. I had only one option, we had ivy league sex. I finished and made it to the tennis match looking straight ivy league.

Ivy league sex: having quick sex while staying dressed with khakis and collared shirt on.

by dancin-nash March 5, 2015

Ivy League Rub

A phrase used to describe the act of "frotting".

Typically done by wealthy, ivy league students. ILR, or "frotting" is when two gay males rub their genitals together, usually until reaching climax.

"Cliff and Bruce were tense before their big Law exam, so they let off some steam by doing the Ivy League Rub"

by Colin N. November 27, 2007

42๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž