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All-Rite Jooce

Any generic form of Kool-Aid. Not quite the real thing, but it's "all-rite". Complete with a mascot, "Jungle Jooce", he busts through walls just like the Kool-Aid man, but instead of declaring, "OH YEAH!", he says, "THAT"LL DO!".....oh yah, and he's a milk carton, not a pitcher...

"Mom, when are we getting off of welfare so we can afford Kool-Aid instead of this crappy All-Rite Jooce?"

by Haimee November 21, 2008

Beatle jooce

A type of juice a beetle makes when it smells tuna fish coochie. (Also known as the vagina).

That beetle just made beatle jooce I want it smelled that delicious tuna fish coochie.

by Man babyyy March 29, 2021