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.jpeg is a noun used by some filipino people who think that they are a cool or a really funny memer.

for example: a meme in social media appears and that meme says, "pedophile"

normal people:
normal filipinos:

some filipino people who think that they are a cool or a really funny memer: *shares photo/meme* caption: pedophile.jpeg.

by criszan December 15, 2019

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When a woman of Japanese descent pegs you.

Gerald: Where were you last night Keith?

Keith: Off getting me a bit of Jpeg mate.

Gerald: oh.

by รˆl Fetus December 31, 2020

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Lovers' JPEG

Similar to a Lovers' tiff, but compressed x10

Person 1: Alice and Bob's Lovers' Tiff didn't seem to last very long.
Person 2: Yeh, you could say it was more of a Lovers' JPEG

by murppaul May 8, 2010

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The fuzziness and lack of quality a picture gets when it's saved in JPEG format.

Eww, that Counter-Strike screen shot got JPEG raped.

by Billy The Man January 6, 2008

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JPEG Artifacts

When a picture has been reposted hundreds of times by different people across the Internet, to the point where the compression from being screenshoted and uploaded has become noticeable. This could be noticable blurriness, distortion, or pixelation.

I've seen this meme posted on so many accounts, I can see the JPEG Artifacts.

by ShadowLink3D September 7, 2020

JPEG Journalism

The action of reposting a picture (or jpeg) with some text on it on a social networking site without doing any other research about the subject or determining if the content of the post is accurate. The extent of their research is simply sharing things online.

Do you see the crazy conspiracy crap Steve posts online all the time?

Yeah he does it all the time but doesn't know anything about the stuff he posts. He's only capable ofJPEG Journalism.

by THE_AE September 22, 2016


1.JPEG Baby
2. Not another file of baby, just JPEG
3. Closely related to Stock Baby

Example: โ€œThat face when you JPEG Baby

โ€œThat face when you JPEG Baby.โ€
โ€œYou are so JPEG Baby.โ€

by TherealJPEGBaby December 24, 2019

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