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Japanese otaku girls

A stereotype used for the creation of konata from lucky star, they enjoy manga, anime, yaoi, music, videogames, and cosplaying, they are athletic and good at sports, they may act innocent but they're perverts in reality and think about male x male relationships, and even female x female, most of the time they're hotter than the otaku girls from other parts of the world, but there are grotesque exceptions.

guy a: japanese otaku girls are so hot!

guy b: damn, you're such a loser.

by ZKL123 February 9, 2010

20👍 5👎

Japanese Subway girl

scary japanese woman, very

Oh my god i saw the Japanese Subway girl Today in the metro
Lmao idc

by shitcrackeater February 4, 2021

2👍 1👎

the japanese girl reading this

A cute girl with a good attitude and a nice heart who want stop talking also short

the japanese girl reading this is short

by jesuUS69 June 1, 2022

2👍 4👎