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Jay M. Robinson High School

The most ghetto school in CabCo hands down. Built next to a landfill, smells like shit 24/7. provides the "best basketball player in the state".... has a gpa of like 2.2... Restrooms are the dirtiest things on the phase of the earth. JROTC is the only good thing about this school

Jimmy: where do you go to school?
Lavar: I go to Jay M. Robinson High School! Home of the Bulldogs!

Jimmy: Yeah that school smells like shit 24/7

by CabCo's finest May 7, 2017

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Jay High School

A Racist little town with a racist school and is good at every sport except for football, they never made the playoffs.

β€œI can’t wait to play Jay High School this Friday”

by Milfmaster420 May 11, 2022