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Jazmin lives life unapologetically and does what she wants when she wants. Others are jealous of Jazmin because everything in life always seems to go well for her. Everything in life does go smoothly for Jazmin because she doesn't take life too seriously. Jazmin genuinely doesn't care what you think about her so why waste time hating on her.

Jazmin is a good thinker and is very self reflective. She has the ability to solve her own problems and is a good advice giver. If Jazmin decides to let you in she makes a very loyal friend and parter... she only allows you in if she deems you worthy enough of her love.

Jazmin is not materialistic, She lives to laugh, travel and have fun. She's very caring, thoughtful and compassionate although doesn't take fools lightly and will be the first person to tell you you're wrong if you are wrong. She also isn't afraid to put her hands up when she is wrong.

Jazmin is intelligent, creative and philosophical. She always thinks outside the box and has random weird thoughts. Most people think Jazmin is weird/crazy. She is fun to be around and is interesting to talk to. In relationships Jazmin doesn't take any BS and will dump you in a heartbeat if necessary. She tends to be more forgiving of friends and family.

Jazmin will not be able to love you if you don't love yourself. Jazmin will not be able to love you if you if you don't know yourself. Jazmin can not be around those who are not true or honest with themselves.

Jazmins are very rare. If you come across a Jazmin then treat her right because you will never come across another.

people -"who's that?"
me - "that's my bestie Jazmin"

My life isn't as good without Jazmin in it.

by Positivenames October 23, 2018

22πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


He hella thicc and she is good in ... nvm but she so pretty and she smart and is a good friend to have 😍🀀

β€œThat’s jazmin cause she thicc”

β€œShe so fine”
β€œShe smart too”

by Bsngsnbzn. December 18, 2017

41πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Jazmin, is a girl who’s is strong, confident, glamorous and stylish. people might call her a tramp or slut but she can not care at all. She is also quite artistic and a hell of nightmare if your on her bad side but if your her friend then you will be a verry looky person. She can also be verry caring and loving but if anyone starts on her friend she will become a nightmare.

Jazmin: I love that top

Jazmin: hey slut, Jazmin replies :shut the fuck up nigga

by Sue besten July 15, 2018

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Jazmin is a girl Who can be very quiet. She is easy to make friends and once she makes friends she takes care of them. She is very tough when making decisions to 2 things she likes. But if You have a jazmin be sure to KEEP her because she is very special

Person 1: Oof there goes jazmin she pretty asf

Person 2: Yh bruh she finna be mine nigga

by _jazm1n_ February 2, 2019

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Jazmin is a sassy girl who you will easily fall head over heels for.
Caring and Beautiful are two words to describe Jazmin.
If you know a Jazmin dont lose em.
They will snach a bitches weave CLEAN OFF.
Dont mess with Jazmin.

Boy: "Woah i heard that Jazmin roasted someone"
Girl: "Ya that was me"
Jazmin: "WHAT CHU SAY BYATCH" *flips hair*

by Urbabymama420 December 30, 2019

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Jazmin is a tuff girl to like, but once you are he friend , you can't stop. Tries to get all the guys, which annoys her boyfriend, but he knows she loves him. She has one best friend she trusts with her life, and no one can steal that from her. She will defend you If you defend her - Even tho she doesn't need it. Doesn't need many people in her life, just a few good ones.

Slut : Hey you're totally a bitch...
Jazmin : ...Well you're slutso piss off!

by Bitch I'm fabulous... February 10, 2018

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Jazmin Is a girl who is really pretty.Shes nice kind and sweet.Jazmin is like a magnet to boy's. The word Jazmin isn't just any word, It's a pretty girl and a special

Jazmin is Really pretty kind and sweet.

by XxRealmeaningxX February 17, 2018

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž