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New Jersey Accent

People in New Jersey really don't have as thick of an accent as people think although most people say trent'n instead of trenton (same applies to other words ending in the ton sound...Oh and NO ONE SAYS JOISY!!

"We're goin' down to Trent'n....you commin'?"
"Your New Jersey accent isn't what I though it would be."

by Tori222 May 23, 2009

208👍 92👎

New Jersey accent

Stereotypical accent that is thought to hail from New Jersey.
This is only believed to be the New Jersey accent from those who don't live in/around the state.

Examples of this accent:

Jersey - Joisey
Daughter - dawda/dawter
dog - dawg
coffee - cawfee
water - wawder
talk - tawk

This accent does exist in people from other areas of the country,

however if you use it in front of someone from Jersey they may secretly hate you.

Person one: Where are you from?
Person two: oh North Jersey.
Person one: So you're from Joisey then?

Person two: ...
Person one: ...
Person two: That's not a New Jersey accent.... Go fuck yourself.

by Gaylady215 February 29, 2016

16👍 29👎