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velociraptor with jet-pack and scissors

A velociraptor with a jet-pack attached to it, with scissors.
normally used to kill everything in a room or open space, may be more dangerous than an a-bomb...if used properly.
no one knows where it was first invented, but there is a theory that it was created by the nazis while researching the effects of chlorine on kittens.

holy f***ing s*** its a velociraptor with jet-pack and scissors!

by that guy you dont really know April 19, 2010

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mandalorian jet pack

The act of jumping and latching onto someoneโ€™s back, (covering said persons face because they are said mandalorian) and aggressively projectile shit, propelling the person forward, maybe even in the air

Yo, I just got Mandalorian Jet Packed. Flew forward 4 feet! This is the way!

by Deep throat4 February 10, 2022

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High School Jet Pack

a term used to describe a backpack with two cans of monster or other body destroying energy drinks in either side appearing as exhaust nozzles on a jet pack

edgy Teen#1 damn bro you look tired

edgy Teen#2: yeah, i had to put on the ol high school jet pack.

by rushtactics777 June 19, 2018


The act of constantly bugging someone to the point where the bugged person thinks you will show up outside their window via jet-pack

Girl: I got jet-packed by Jacob last night as soon as I logged on facebook. He didnt stop talking to me for 4 hours!

by purplegirl1818 May 6, 2010

Belarusian jet pack

Having a rocket up your ass to spin faster on a horizontal bar.

The Belarusian Jet pack will make all NATO member cower in fear as their soldiers spin a Mach speed on a horizontal bar.

by Flat tire August 4, 2023