Source Code


Joey is one of the kindest individuals you'll ever meet. He's sweet, driven, hardworking. and has the cutest laugh. If you're lucky enough to find him, don't EVER let him go. In fact, you should make an elaborate scavenger hunt and create an urban dictionary definition just to ask him out. Which is exactly what I've just done.

cody: "hey, what are you doing?"
brenna: "making an urban dictionary definition to ask joey out in a desperate attempt to revive romance, why?"

by brenna<3 April 26, 2020

25πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A competitive boy with a unique sense of compassion for everyone around him who is sexy enough to be the spawn of Rob Lowe. He's usually very serene and collected and helps his friends be the same, but when highly agitated his emotions tend to take over. He's like a perfect big brother to everyone. All the girls want him more than they want anything because when he takes his shirt off, it's like heaven embodied in a single man.

girl 1: I wish I had my own Joey
girl 2: Don't we all!

by uscgirl1658 May 16, 2010

415πŸ‘ 174πŸ‘Ž


The hottest sexiest thing alive. I wanna lick his face off.

I wish my boyfriend was a Joey.
I know don't we all?

by Niobi January 18, 2008

9058πŸ‘ 4220πŸ‘Ž


A person who is a showoff and a hoe.

Man Joey is such a hoe!

by RealOGdefiner November 19, 2016

42πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A unique guy, with a great sense of humor
Tall,dark, and handsome
Cuddly like a teddy bear but strong like a man
Gorgeous eyes,and a great conversationalist
Complete package
Total hottie
My Joey Joe Joe

Joey is soooooooooo hot

by BethW May 16, 2008

3730πŸ‘ 1843πŸ‘Ž


Nigga with the biggest nose.

He has a nose like joeys

by Anon-KM April 26, 2017

61πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Very mean. Thinks he’s cool

Omg joey is so mean

by Funnybunnyjahahahaha April 20, 2018

61πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž