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jule is the most genuine, sweetest, loveliest girl in the world. she is incredibly funny, smart and loving and the bestest friend in the world. she's understanding and always give you the feeling of being loved and cherished.

the way she cares for her friends is beautiful. she would do anything for them and always puts them first. sometimes you'll need to remind her to take care of herself, too. she's the best listener in the world.

despite what she says, she is the CUTEST girl ever. she's so pretty and beautiful and has the best style.

'See that Jule over there? Imma make her my wife.'

'Jule is the best friend you'll ever have'

by m9rkren January 30, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jule is a girl who gets her work done and does not like waitin for anybody. She's very athletic and attractive. And she's also a trendsetter.

That's my sis Jule ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ’‹

by Jenny higder June 25, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sweet, sensitive girl. A little shy, but she is one of the most caring, outgoing, and coolest person you'll ever meet. Many mistakes have been made, but she comes through. Don't doubt her. If she is one who likes you, give her a chance. She's very clever, likes to joke around, and has an active imagination. Her personality is amazing and flies off the chart.

Julee is the sweetest person ever!

by Pink Pillow October 2, 2011

180๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl who is merely following her dreams! She may be a troll at times but deep down she is kind and sweet. She is a realist except when it comes to her own beauty. She does not realize that her inner and outer beauty makes her a ten out of ten. You will find very few people in this world with her sense of humor. A day with her is typically a day full of laughter and excitement. She can be a night owl at times which explains her deep love for extra sleep in the mornings. Jules is not the best at everything but makes up for it through hard work and dedication. Overall, Jules is somebody worth getting to know if you enjoy the little things in life. It would be shame not to try and get to know her!

Damn, today fucking sucks! Where is Jules when you need her!

by NumberOneTroll576 August 18, 2020

89๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


A wonderful girl who gives you the most warm feeling when around her. She's funny, bubbly, smart and such a sweet beautiful girl. Jules is a girl who you can love forever.

Man, Chris really loves Jules

by Chrisiul21 January 25, 2016

146๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


An amazing man with the prestigious combination of sensitivity and balls.

Most Jules's in the world grow up having their name made fun of when they are young, like "Hey Jules - like family jewels!" or "Jules? That's a girl's name! ...there's this chick Jules in my 'hood who gives good head."

But the male Jules who matures past the age of pre-pubescent name-calling eventually develops an empathy for people with odd names, and becomes adventurous, cultured, creative, and daring. They eventually attain a high level of respectability, and make excellent civic leaders, husbands, fathers, and bodyguards.

This carefully constructed personality allows them to associate equally with elitists and badasses, like Jules (played by Samuel L. Jackson), who serves as Mr. Wallace's henchman and thus himself is a badass in the Tarantino cult classic film, Pulp Fiction.

"Jules, you give that man your wallet, and I'll shoot you on general principle."

by nmguiniling February 7, 2010

398๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best woman yo will ever know she loves legit everything and seth estridge she is the hottest woman you will ever know she is very thick and when I mean thick I mean thick and she beautiful as crap I ldo be her so much y'all should be her friend Jules I like be you s much babe

Very thoughtfully Jules is so hot

by Juliahna October 1, 2019

390๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž