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A person who likes memes and only tries to be funny online and spends 6+ hours doing nothing

Yo kaan what are you doing?
I'm looking at social media go away

by yomasepoes October 20, 2020

22๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most spectacular Turkish male name.

You should take Kaan on a date tonight.

by Mosyo November 22, 2021


Kaan is a boy like a demon. Cool, sometimes cruel but still the sweetest guy youโ€™ll ever meet.

person: look at the guy there! his aura kinda scares me but I still want to know him!

person: oh, he must be a Kaan

by lyn3012 November 30, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Kaan is a strong boy who has already experienced a lot. He has blonde hair and wonderful blue eyes. He is something special and helps other peoples and bis girlfriend. He loves her girlfriend very much. Kaan is very lovely and you can talk about everything with him! He is very beautiful and a really good friend. In a realationship he is really jealous because he loves her a lot! He is loyal and he has many friends

Kaan is lovely

by Highforthis52 January 3, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most understanding, funny and helpful person in the world. Technology addict. You can laugh at his jokes for hours, but be careful, you may end up naked.

Person 1: Look itโ€™s Kaan!
Person 2: Oh no! She might kill me laughing.

by bubithebela November 22, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Kaan is a man or boy who loves to play minecraft and cunter stirik. Kaans usually have severe mental retardation due to problems with their breeding process. Most kaans are inbred and usually overweight due to severeeating disorders. Kaans usually come with different sizes, but most kaans have a thing called medical micropenis due to their genes not allowing them to reproduce so easily, to preserve the high intelligense of human kind, which kaans usually lack.

Kaans are well known for being manipulative and scam-artists. Kaans usually work at scam centers, because indian people usually accept kaans due to the turkish-kurdish diagram that kaans usually fall on. On the turkish-kurdish diagram, kaans usually fall in the middle, at the kurkish section, so kaans are most of the time kurkish by race.

Look at that kaan there, he most likely weighs 120 kilos.

by Jorma Taalasmaa December 20, 2021

12๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A horny mf with a great personality

you can always trust kaan. kaan is a loving and considerate person. if there is a problem, he doesn't argue for a long time and tries to find a solution. Kaan is also attentive, he always cheers you up. Kaan is a giant and also has a fat ass. He also gives u a lot of cute kisses and hugs you for hours. I am very happy that i have a kaan in my life. go and find yourself a kaan too~ seni seviyorum. bal

by seliin.13 November 30, 2021