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Kaeden is the hottest guy you will ever meet. Super fit and sporty. Has a big dick. Everyone loves him and gets along with him. All of the girls crawl all over him.

Kaeden is a stud

by Piller64 November 13, 2019

8👍 2👎


A amazing boy who loves golf. He is super handsome. He has a amazing personality and he is a extremely outgoing person. He has many friends who back him up when needed and he also helps them. Overall he is amazing.

OMG did you see that kid playing golf he must be named Kaeden!

by KBeast21 April 24, 2019

10👍 4👎


Has a big dick. Loves big tits. Super strong and super fit. Loves to workout. Not super open about relationships but when he is he’s the best guy around.

Kaeden is the sexiest man alive.

by Eat a Richard April 5, 2018

21👍 11👎


Kaeden is sweet and caring. She is cute and funny. She is loving and kind. Kaeden is my love, for she is as bright as the stars at night. She is my silver diamond so bright in the sky

Guy 1: Who do you like?
Guy 2: The kind and loving kaeden

by Jamesa16 June 12, 2019

10👍 7👎


A little fuck boy with no friends because he likes the patriots. He’s only ever been attracted to girls twice his height. If you’re looking for a sexy man to have a good time in bed with, it’s not Kaeden. His name most likely means tiny dick.

“Hey is that Kaeden”
“Yeah, how’d you know?”
“Because he looks like he had a small dick

by 420ShartShart January 10, 2020

9👍 10👎


A sexy and irresistible human, usually with a large wood. Eats cookies, cake and almost anything unhealthy regularly. Is faster than everyone else he knows and has an abnormally monumental dick. Normally very innocent and never has any dirty thoughts. Probably a professional gamer and has the best piece control ever seen. His body is built like the pepperami guy with long legs and skinny arms. Overall, he’s the best type of human you could meet and you’d be extremely lucky to find one.

“Why is Kaeden so leng🥵”
idk he’s just the best i guess

by peace’s husband November 26, 2020


A name given to raging homos. Thinks they are better/more important than everyone.

Kaeden likes to be on top in the cowgirl position

by Kaeden eats Richard August 21, 2019

8👍 8👎