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She is a loving, sometimes loud, outgoing girl. She cares about her looks but not too much and is pretty laid back. She is hilarious and beautiful. She has dark brown eyes and dark brown hair that just catches your heart. She’s sometimes thought of as too talkative or annoying, but to those who know her, it’s a joke. Her inner beauty and outer beauty is flawless. She’s smart, funny, pretty, and kind. The perfect girl.

Friend 1:Wow. I wish I could date her.
Friend 2:Yeah. She’s a Kara. Everyone does.
Friend1:Darn, I guess it’s her choice then.

by Patrick49 February 2, 2018

18👍 4👎


Kara is the best looking girl ever! She is so hot and sexy its not even funny. Kara is an amazing girl. Shes smart and totally funny. She has the best personality not to mention her amazingly good looks. Kara is gorgeous and just perfect, shes everything a guy needs.

Hey did you see Kara ?
Yeah shes perfect.

by tigerdude18 February 16, 2009

910👍 409👎


A Kara is someone who deals with a lot everyday. They’re pretty, caring, and smart. They put others’ needs before their own. Kara has a beautiful smile and many friends.

Kara is my best friend.

by celestialstar December 30, 2019

9👍 3👎


A beautiful, wonderful, hot girl that is amazing to be around. She makes you laugh at any given moment and smile at any given time. She is the epitome of perfect. There will be another girl like her, and if you have her, then you are the luckiest person alive. She is adorable, lovable, and downright amazing. The perfect girl for any guy.

Kara is perfect

by Talon_Clash02 January 3, 2018

48👍 18👎


an amazing friend that is hella funny and crazy.
and gives hugs that hurt your face and neck!

"kara is an amazing friend but her hugs are deadly"

by lori phillips April 12, 2008

1288👍 702👎


A gorgeous, hot, beautiful, skinny, and tall girl. She has an amazing personality but is also very sexually pleasing to the eye. She is an awesome person to hang out with during a party because she knows how to have a good
time. Any guy would be lucky to have such a perfect girl.

That kara is one hot girl.

by awesome guy 46 February 18, 2009

415👍 220👎


Where to begin. Kara is an amazing girl who has made a few mistakes in her past but my God does anyone care? She's beyond amazing. She's the peanut butter to my jelly.
She's the att bill to my computer apps
She's the Relient K to my ipod
She's the weird grunge guy with long hair to my metal band
She's the blueberry to my muffin
She's the : to my P
She's the Luna to my Lovegood
She's the hugee to my hugs
and the favorite to my girl :)
She's Kara.
Don't mess with her cuz she'll rip your heart out :P

Dude did you meet that new Kara?
Oh yeah...she's awesome.

by TheMuffinMan2993 February 7, 2009

498👍 276👎