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Karsyn is such a bright person. She feels as if she’s always pushed away. She feels as if she’s used and not enough. Karsyn is weird in her own way. Karsyn will escape with a person and find that part of her soul that she hasn’t expressed. Karsyn will be big in life. She will travel the world and be free with nothing to worry about.

Karsyn is a weird and unique person.

by the atmosphere November 23, 2021


A very weird, cute,and extremely beautiful girl. Has amazing body and is amazing in bed. Very talented, loves animals and is a wonderful friend. Is very hyper and gets along with many types of people., passionate in bed and in a relationship and is spunky. Sometimes she’s loud, sometimes not. If you find a Karsyn in your life, don’t let her go. You’ll need her so much despite anything that happens and will be one of the best ad cutest friends you’ve ever had.

Oh wow, she’s so funny! Must be a Karsyn.”

by Alltttrrrrr March 30, 2019

27👍 6👎


Karsyn is very talented athletically but NOT cute


by weeedfff April 27, 2020

3👍 26👎

National Kick Karsyn Day

November 18th is National kick Karsyn day so fi you know somebody named karsyn kicked them.

Hey Rando, then proceeds to kick karsyn, because it national kick karsyn day

by _toomuchmoney$$_69 November 16, 2022



did u see that slag

yeah that’s karsyn

by coolgirl1463849 November 21, 2021


Karsyn is the name given to a beautiful girl. Karsyn is sweet and kind to many. She has a deep love for animals and will treat them with respect. She has a beautiful body and provides some of the best sex. If you ever find someone named Karsyn, love her forever.

Kyle: “I met this girl the other day. Beautiful, witty, giant titties..”
Shawn: “Let me guess, her name’s Karsyn?”
Kyle: “Holy shit how did you know!”

by AbbyDaWolf November 21, 2021


That hot cheeto girl in your class that always asks for your food

"ugh fine karsyn"

by Roachel March 9, 2022