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Keansburg mask

When you get sunburn on your face from working at or attending Keansburg Amusement Park/Runaway Rapids in Keansburg, NJ. Newbies to the park normally get them.

Person 1: "How was the boardwalk Keansburg?"
Person 2: "Not bad, but my face feels awful."
Person 1: "That's a Keansburg mask for ya', shoulda' brought sunblock."
Person 2: "I didn't think I'd get sunburn on the first day..."

by duhhbri April 6, 2009

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

West Keansburg

Small town in coastal New Jersey. A place stuck in the middle of a white trash Keansburg and a yuppie town of Hazlet. Filled with tough guy blue collar kids who travle in packs and represent their town to the fullest. They drink cheap beer and are damn proud of it. If confronted with a fight they will never back down. They are also extremly loyal to their freinds and family.

"That kid is such a fucking ass hole. All he does is run his mouth. Im gonna beat his fucking ass next time I see him"
"I dont think thats such a good idea. That kids from West Keansburg. Those kids are like a gang, ya fuck with one you're fucking with them all"

by west keansburg tough guy May 12, 2006

96πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

West keansburg


Written by a WK Elder- Small town in coastal New Jersey. A place stuck in the middle of a white trash Keansburg and a yuppie town of Hazlet. Filled with tough guy blue collar kids who travle in packs and represent their town to the fullest. They drink cheap beer and are damn proud of it. If confronted with a fight they will never back down. They are also extremly loyal to their freinds and family.

The New Generation of WK- West keansburg is still a small town caught between white trash keansburg and yuppie hazlet. We've fallen in numbers but the kids still dont give a fuck who you are or what your about. Since the graduating of the old gods *ak,gunz,pirate* just to name a few. WK had seem to become a joke to people. But surely enough the new generation came to put it right back on the map. Not being ashamed of where there from or how much money they have. They stand up for what they belive in and who they've grown into. Never leaving there friends and family behind always having there back. Learning from the elders to never back down from a fight. To what is ever necisary to make your point and keep the respect alive. West keansburg is not just a town for the kids that live there. Its a way of life. Its something the kids in the town are proud to be a part of.

Jock1-"That kid is such a fucking ass hole. All he does is run his mouth. Im gonna beat his fucking ass next time I see him"

Jock2-"I dont think thats such a good idea. That kids from West Keansburg. Those kids are like a gang, ya fuck with one you're fucking with them all"
Hazlet kid - "yo that green street movie just makes me want to beat kids faces in."

WK kid- "you wouldnt know how to fight your way out of a paper bag.::Muffs hazlet kid in face::

Hazlet kid- shitt...::cries::

Wk kids- "we're gonna do things just like the old gods did drink beer and keep scum out of our town"

by The young generation March 29, 2008

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keansburg martini

mountain dew and jim beam mixed drink served in a martini glass.often topped with an olive and stirred with a used syringe or whatever garbage might be laying around at the time. Native drink to lowlifes and derelicts from the greater Keansburg, New Jersey area.

Those derelicts were drinking Keansburg martinis and spitting them on each other when they got arrested by the Keansburg police for jumping off the floodgates naked. What a bunch of scums.

by baits September 10, 2007

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Keansburg High School

Keansburg High School in Keansburg NJ.....

If your mommy and daddy aren't on the board of Ed, work for the town, or aren’t cops you're fucked. Don't expect Varsity, no matter how good you are, or good grades from teachers. All their kids walk around like they own the place and are best friends with the principle. The principal is the board presidents god daughter and believes all students are criminals, potheads and sluts and whores

wow Your valedictorian at Keansburg high school is your mom on the board ?

by Sk8terhaterzz99 November 25, 2019

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keansburg high school

people that think they are hot, small school, low life people, fights that happen about every week, most people think they are tough, select few good people, people consist of chain smokers at school, security guards do NOT care about anything, people that think they are tight with everyone, liars, cheaters, smelly fishes, sluts, every type of person under the sun.

people that we cannot name at keansburg high school, (ub wont allow it) :(

by shnaginaganes March 19, 2011

7πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


A very lowclass town in New Jersey. Contrary to other definitions, theres no emos and no gays ☹️ Heartbreaking.

1: What town do you live in?

2: Keansburg.. im also poor lol.

by froglover1000 August 15, 2021