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The most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. No words can do justice to explain how amazing she is. Inside and out.

Whenever I conjure up her image I can't stop smiling.

Keisha is miles above my league.

by Browkward September 30, 2011

462πŸ‘ 264πŸ‘Ž


Classy female, with a heart of gold. Goes the extra mile for people. Usually afraid of Tonys, but is a quiet freak.

Yo she's acting like a Keisha.
She's Keishaing it up right there.

by Kentu3 November 24, 2009

686πŸ‘ 423πŸ‘Ž


A super trustworthy person who you want to keep as a friend. Wholesome and caring individual and will give you her attention when you need it. She’s all ears, and always wants the best for you. No matter what, she’ll improve your mood and make you feel welcomed and wanted. A very swag individual indeed.

Bro 1- Bro, i met a keisha last night
Bro 2-A keisha? No way, bro, how is she?
Bro 1-Shes gonna be an amazing friend

by Zappdos September 4, 2019

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Keisha , She that girl who sits in the class not saying anything she won't talk to the popular kids because her face goes red , plus it goes red when her crush , teacher or anybody say anything to her . Keisha will go out of her way to make u smile and laugh . At home she is a nutjob , she is crazy and special. But there's another side to her , inside she fells depressed and suicidal , she gets hate from everyone at school but doesn't say anything because she is scared of getting things wrong and getting shouted at . She makes friends easily and she doesn't want to loose them , she won't make the first move in a fight but she makes the last move , she waits untill the boy she likes to ask her out instead of asking he out and being humiliated . Shes will get mardy easily so becareful what u say . U need a keisha in your life

Person 1 : Omgosh , She looks fab
Person 2 : I know right , her names Keisha !!
Person 1 : I need her !!

by Lizzie 1701 May 13, 2018

22πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A Keisha is a very loyal girl. She is shy and quiet at first but once you get to know her, she will be the most craziest person ever. She

can be bipolar but you'll get used to it. A Keisha usually craves attention. Some Keisha's can be smart and some can be stupid. Keisha's can be really active but most of the time, she's very lazy. Some Keisha's are obsessed with anime and they will talk about it for hours. Keisha's like to insult her friends but only as jokes and laughs when her friends insult her. But if people she's not close with insults her, she will take it very personal no matter how small the insult is. Keisha loves veggies a lot. She's a very loyal person when it comes to dating. She will be embarrassed of it at first but after a while she'll grow into it. She is into dirty and lewd things but she keeps it a secret. Her main hobby is eating, sleeping, playing with her phone and drawing. She's very active on social media and posts silly stuff. Keisha's always plan to keep their friendships till the end of their life but if you get into an argument with her, she won't be the first one to apologise but will and most definitely forgive you. She's very anti-social and has anxiety. She doesn't like public speaking since she can't do it. She will help you out through tough times and will be your shoulder to cry on and will not hesitate to stay up with you to make sure you're okay.

If you ever come across a Keisha, Just know that she's a keeper.

dude: brooo that girl over there is so nice! helped me with my art project and offered me a ride home!
girl: oh she's Keisha! She's the sweetest girl i know.

by ewcrackhead February 13, 2020

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A woman who is a bit of a Diva. Highly fashion conscious, and very partial to oversized earrings and high heels. Heart of Gold, but extra kudos if its 24ct.

"Woah, those are some huge earrings!"
"Yeah, I'm feeling a bit Keisha today"

by charlegirluk August 27, 2008

519πŸ‘ 395πŸ‘Ž


Keisha is a very unique friend, she will always be there for you through thick and thin. she may not care what people think about her but she would lowkey feel some type of way, Keisha is very outgoing and always says what’s on her mind. keisha looks mean and can be mean but once you get to know her she’s very nice, keisha is also a very funny person with a chill personality when it comes to dating she is very clingy and does get mad or feel some type of way easily, but she’s a loyal friend and lover. she can act depressed and do dumb shit sometimes but she’s really fun to hangout with.

Who’s that,


she seems really nice...!

by k.demaooles August 7, 2019

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž