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let's do this

A phrase which connotates the beginning or initiation of something fun, such as a party, club excursion, bar crawl, or the like.

Three people get into a cab on their way to a party. Prior to getting in, one of them says "Alright, let's do this!"

by aesthete April 26, 2004

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let's do this

Commonly said by uppity groups of people, but also those ready to fuck the dumb shit and just get down to business

A rival dance group is about to get f'in served. The other team boasts, "Let's do this."

by Madison April 21, 2004

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let's do this

Something said before performing or doing something, such as a fight, an operation, a performance, and these days, anything.

"This is what one of my ex's said before we had another argument. I hate that bitch."

by Dave October 21, 2004

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let's do this

1. Statement or command used to signify the beginning of an action or event immediately, without further delay. May be used in a positive or negative connotation.
2. see also: get it on

"Hey! You wanna beef motherfucker?!"
"Allright sucka, let's do this."

by JRS April 29, 2004

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let's do this

Slang term to request action/attention to a particular activity. Can be used as a request ones participation in a certain activity.

I'll take the back door to this perp's house, you bust open the front. You ready? C'mon, lets do this.

by noseeme April 28, 2004

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let's do this

The signature catch phrase of a certain ADHD-riddled kid who has a penchant for annoying the living daylights out of anyone who gets near.

K guys let's do this! E_E =_=

by Djamal April 21, 2004

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Let’s do it up

β€œLet’s do it”, is super vague and may have negative connotations. Therefore, β€œlet’s do it up” is used as a phrase to prelude to a situation that will only result in a positive uplifting outcome.

Can’t wait to go clubbing tonight. Let’s do it up boys!
Big game today but let’s not let the pressure get to us. Let’s do it up!

by FuckingtoldyouDoitUpWasAThing January 2, 2018

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