Source Code

bin Laden

a drink containing two shots and a splash of water

Navy Seal walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a bin Laden. The bartender says he doesn't know how to make that drink. The Seal says "oh it's easy, it's just two shots and a splash of water."

by thatguy530 June 12, 2011

434πŸ‘ 187πŸ‘Ž

The Bin Laden

When you're at a pool and a girl is sucking your dick, just before you ejaculate, you pull out of her mouth, blast her in the eye, grab a towel and wrap it around her and kick her into the pool

Girl: Can you believe what this guy just did to me?
Friend: What he do?
Girl: He came in my eye and threw me into the pool! He called it the Bin Laden

by fr34ksh0w June 16, 2011

bin laden

The act of cautiously releasing a bloody turd into the toilet much like the way Bin Laden was dumped into the ocean

Upon waking up the morning after a long night of eating super nuclear chicken wings and broken glass, I was nearly crying as I released a nasty bin laden.

by CAPT_DOMM May 13, 2011

210πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž

bin ladened

heavily stoned on skunky hydro buds.

after a fat reefer of that good northern lights, i was totally bin ladened!

by M. Caldarella August 26, 2006

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

bint laden

A slang word for the wife/partner

A woman who has a irrational attitude and starts a war with her other half while hiding in another room....

β€œMate I best go home. Bint laden is calling”

by Chefshrewsbury October 16, 2017

Bin Laden

Obamna's boyfriend

I hate Bin laden

by IAMTHETRUTHMAN June 17, 2023

Danger Laden

1.Full of unsafeness, a treacherous area, person, item, et cetera.
2. An adjective describing anything sketchy.

"The streets are danger laden."

by Riland January 4, 2008