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The word itself was used by Puerto Ricans to describe themselves, their Music and culture in NYC in the early 50's. The word is now used to describe the Carribean Spanish people from Puerto Rico, Cuba and Dominican Republic. Which share a similar Culture and Mix of Spanish, African heritage. Mexicans, Central and South Americans are not Latinos. They consider themselves Hispanics and were often offended when referred to as Latinos until it became hip to be considered a Latino. The differentiator seams to be that the Carribean Spanish people (Latinos) are a mixture of Spanish and African Heritage.
Mexican, Central and South Americans (Hispanics) are usually a mixture of Spanish and Indians.
Latin Jazz is a Mixture of Latino influenced Jazz. Brazil is closer to a Latino group and culture due to their Portuguese (Latin) and African Culture closely resembling the Carribean Latinos.

He's Latino, Latino Music, Latino food. I'm a Latino. LatinJazz.

by fecamacho June 6, 2007

27๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


There is a lot of confusion around this word so let's break it down.

1) A lot of sources well tell you a Latino is someone who is a native speaker of a Romance language. But no ones uses this word this way. You'll just look foolish doing it. You would be better off saying "Romance peoples" or "Romance speakers".

2) More narrowly it can mean anyone from Latin America, hence White and Black "Latinos". But you would better off just called them "Latin Americans".

3) The most common sense however is a racial group, or set of related ethno-racial groups found throughout Latin America which (and I was surprised to find this out) are all mixed race between white and Amerindians. The less ambiguous name for them is "Mestizo". Really, they're the same.

Cleveland moved from a black woman to a white one without needing the Latino woman in between.

by ApricotFields May 21, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A latino is a person who has hispanic parents but is born in the USA

They speak spanish and english and mostly are really cute

"Is he hispanic?"
"No, i think he is a latino,"

"Damn hes hot!"

by Parrots4life January 17, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


An excuse for people born of the south america geographical significant to continue acting like stupid assholes.

A nicer way to say Hispanic.


A puerto rican dude yells out: I'm Latino..................................................................................................! Then some Mexicans come into the room, and they talk shit. Then somebody of the two groups gets shot, because of their subdivided, subdivided ethic pride. This happens every saturday in at least one night club somewhere.

Latino is also the claim of some of the nicest, roundest asses for the best fucking. Latino pride from woman often causes them to turn around, and shake their ass. I'm dieing to fuck a variety of latino girls in the ass.

People of puerto rico, dominican republic, banana republics, mexico I'm sure the list can go one, but I'm not in the mood to write a list of 3rd world shitty countries that only interest me for a weekend of fucking woman, and smoking weed.

Rangeton, is a form of Hispanic music that uses manipulation of latinos pride, the general likes for bass, and woman's desire to be popular for cheap slutty tricks to gain an audience by featuring this fat dude going: this is for my people! Then in a music video they show girls shaking their ass to a piece of shit beat.

by George Carlin Dead November 28, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 238๐Ÿ‘Ž


Latino is a broadly misused term, that actually just means " spoken Spanish since birth", not just a person of Hispanic origins. A Mexican man can be Hispanic, but not Latino. Likewise, a person from the United States can be Latino, but not Hispanic.Many Chicanos are not Latinos.

Willy is Colombian, but he's not Latino

by cnbtqmES January 18, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any one who is, or whos ancestors are from a country with a latin based language. For example- Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, French, Galician, Italian, Occitan, Aromanian, Aragonese and Catalan.

Alejandro- So, where are you from?
Alexandru- Romania.
Alejandro- Cool! Latino pride!
Alexandru- Yipeee!

by Marquitos December 1, 2006

1037๐Ÿ‘ 233๐Ÿ‘Ž


Means "latin". The culture and language of ancient Italy. The Roman Empire took over most of Europe and influenced their languages and cultures, so it "latinized" the continent and the new languages are called Romance Languages (with roots in Rome).

After Columbus's discovery of America (the Continent), and the subsequent colonizations of most of the new continent by Spain and Portugal, the latino influence was expanded.

Latino is a person who speaks a romance language (i.e. Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese) or their cultural heritage comes from any country that speaks any of those languages.

In the US the word latino is misused to name only people from Latin America. The Latin America was a term first created to mean "the part of America ruled by Latino countries, Spain and Portugal" in opposition to the Anglo-Saxon America, ruled by the British (now Eastern United States). In this sense, some parts of the United States are part of the Latin America because they were ruled by Spain at some point (California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas).

Jorge: We latinos are the best lovers and you whites don't know how to do it.
Giuseppe: You idiot! I'm more Latin than you, I'm from Italy! That's where Latin originated!
Jorge: WTF?

by Tano August 9, 2006

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