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She's beautiful, funny, and kind. She has incredible cosplays. Their hair always looks incredibly soft and pretty. Her smile is contagious and will cause you to smile back. They try the things that I like and lets me talk about my interests even if she doesn't understand. She's honestly the most incredible girlfriend you could ask for, and I hope we last for a long time.

Lea is the most incredible person I know.

by yours <3 February 16, 2021

21👍 1👎


A young girl who loves adventure. She has long dirty-blonde hair, and green and brown eyes (more towards green though). She loves traveling and spending time with the people she loves. She loves traveling to new places, meet new people, and trying new things. This girl is very full of life, so if you come across Lea, befriend her!

Person: “Is that Lea?”
Person: “Lea is amazing!”

by anonymous.hoe101 October 17, 2019


Lea is a girl who is strong, confident, and fearless. She can be shy at times but when you get to know her she is a beautiful, successful, person that loves everyone.

“She’s so pretty! She must be a Lea”

by Rieli November 17, 2019

44👍 5👎


Girls with the name Lea usually have green eyes and brown hair. Most Lea’s try to hide their emotions from everyone else. Lea’s get attached to people very easily and have trouble letting go. Most Lea’s act like they don’t care but actually care a lot more than they show. Lea’s can also be really funny to. Lea’s have anger problems and instead of showing other emotions it usually comes out as anger. Do not underestimate Lea’s. Lea’s are more likely to suffer from depression which usually comes out as anger.

Wow, that girl looks real mad,
She must be a Lea!

by floor23727 February 27, 2019

53👍 8👎


Synonym for goddess or a woman who is greatly admired.

Lea is a goddess

by Instagram-Award-Incoming July 6, 2021

14👍 1👎


Lea is a talker and a do-er. A problem-solver and a dreamer. Captivating and quirky. Late for everything but worth waiting for. Dedicated but never completely satisfied with the end result. Lea is missing a letter. Unfortunate if you add it to the word King. But has enough of a sense of humor to understand if you think it's funny.

"How is it that you're late for everything and people still like you? You're such a Lea."

by markowle February 4, 2010

1145👍 326👎


a girl that is so beautiful and will never let you down. she always finds a way to cheer you up, she constantly gets boys/girls come up to her and try and get onto her. she is a flirty person and will flirt with you,

Boy 1 "OMG shes so pretty!"
Boy 2 "Yeah that's definitely a lea!"

by tititherat February 2, 2021