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The main hero from Nintendo's classic "Legend of Zelda" series. He can do almost anything, except talk and jump.

"My name is Link" <-- something you will never hear in the Zelda series, because apparently Shiggy thinks it might shatter our fragile gamer souls to play an actual character

by Shinryu83 January 19, 2008

791๐Ÿ‘ 269๐Ÿ‘Ž


The baddest motherfucker to ever wield a sword and shield. Wears a long green cap and has the the coolest tunic in the universe and starred in the best game ever, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Also possesses the Triforce piece of Courage. Saves the land of Hyrule on a daily basis.

Has a hot girlfriend too(Princess Zelda). Plus his theme songs rock.

See also: God

-Damn, look at Link shoot his light arrows at Ganadorf and slash at him with his sword, I wish I could do that.

-Anyone who thinks of Link any less than badass should be thrown off a building.

-Link is my fucking hero!

by *the theme to the Legend of Zelda* February 20, 2007

549๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž


Proper Noun
The main character/hero from the Legend of Zelda series. Link usually appears as a young man, age 12-16, though in the game Ocarina of time he was roughly 10 years old then when he left the temple of time about half way through the game he was 17. So there is no confusion, none of the Legend of Zelda game time lines are related to each other. Link is the wielder of the Master Sword and holder of the Triforce of Courage. Link also uses a variety of tools in his adventures, including bombs, a boomerang, a bow and arrows, and many others though they differ throughout the games. He fights Ganondorf alongside Princess Zelda and has a fairy named Navi who accompanies him and gives him advice. Link is also in capable of speech, or is just the quiet type, and I mean REALLY quiet. Link never says anything other than making vocal noises when jumping, fighting or taking damage.

Link, in addition to being the hero of Hyrule, is a real player as he has at least 3 girlfriends by the end of each game, except for the old ones and the GB titles. They are as follow:

1) Princess Zelda (obvious)

2) Saria: Link's childhood friend from Ocarina of Time

3) Malon: A young farm girl Link meets and befriends in Ocarina of Time

4) Princess Ruto: The princess of the Zora's (fish people) who Link supposedly was going to marry in Ocarina of Time

5) Tetra: The captain of a pirate ship, that started Link's adventure in Wind Waker, was really Zelda but she didn't know who she really was when she met Link

6)Medii: A Rito girl (bird people) who Link meets in Wind Waker, might not be a loving relationship, just a friendly one

7)Ilia: Link's childhood friend from Twilight Princess, her being kidnapped starts his quest in the first place.

8)Midna: The princess of the Twilight Realm who replaces Navi as a companion and advice giver, though she is much less annoying. Midna originally planned to use Link as a minion but eventually fell in love with him, awwwwww. Also, Link really loved Midna back, when it is usually the girl just falling for Link, Midna counts as 2 girls because when she met Link she was a small imp, but after Ganondorf is defeated she returns to her normal (and very hot) form.

I am sure that there are some characters that I missed, but I got most of them.

by Xenomorph42Q April 29, 2008

136๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most sexiest Nintendo character ever.

Person 1: Link is so sexy :)
Person 2: I know! Always saving the word in his green outfit! ;)

by hypercanz August 12, 2011

67๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


The central character from the Legend Of Zelda game series, perhaps most notably the Nintendo 64 game, The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time.
Link is The Hero Of Time, chosen to battle evil. In Ocarina Of Time he used the Master Sword and the Triforce Of Courage to defeat Ganondorf, an evil dictator who had conquered the land of Hyrule when he stole the Trifore Of Power.

When it rains Link doesn't get wet, the rain gets Link.
Link's tears cure cancer, unfortunately he never cries.
Link donates a lot of blood to the red cross. Just not his own.
Link doesn't sleep - he waits.
Link makes onions cry.
Link is allowed to talk about Fight Club.
Arrows dodge Link.
Link irons his tunic while he's still wearing it.
Link can can predict the songs on his ipod shuffle.
Link puts his tights on two legs at a time.
Link taught the Kool-Aid guy how to break though walls.
Link created the wheel. Twice.
Link once recieved a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. He made the handprint when the cement was dry.
Link is fluent in wingdings.

by Kurosaki Ichigo May 22, 2006

175๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž


A God among men

man 1:Have you Seen that man Link?

Man 2:yeah hes scary as fuck Almost as if hes a god among men

by DatSexyAssassin February 9, 2013

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A relationship which is not serious, a friend of whom you may have casual sexual encounters, but not a f**k buddy.

(I've been linking with Smith)
(Have you and Johnny got a link?)

by Kimik0123 July 5, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž