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Linsey is the best person in the world, she will make you horny, butterflies in stomache, she will make u masturbate all night bc she's so hot and sexy. Just by looking at her you will go crazy and fall on then ground because you literally fell for her. Known for having one true immaculate lover named Mario *Rio* who gives the best dick and makes her drool at the thought of his big penis. Also sex game so strong you couldn’t even fathom anyone else, since obviously no one else could compare to her spell she put on you. Total package, good luck finding one fellas.

Linsey’s sexual vibe makes me want to forget about everything else except for her. She has me in a trance and having disrespectful sex is all I can think about. She’s an absolute goddess and I can’t keep my hands off of her.

I would fight any man for my Linsey, like truly fuck them up.

by Lbreezybaby August 11, 2023


A very nice person who likes big buts about 20-45 inch.

Michael: is that Whitney Houston?

James:no thats my girlfriend Linsey!

by hbbbubbghbgugbg May 12, 2022

Linsey Abrams

The girlfriend of Asher Fabes.

There was a Linsey Abrams roaming around town.

by billy1234509876 December 22, 2021

Owen Linsey

the new guy Katie Bennett simps for

alex: “yo is katie still simping for james?”
issac: “nah lad, she’s simping for owen linsey now.”

by squishavacado November 22, 2021