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Love at first sight

A wonderful thing that almost always ends in heart brake. When you feel a huge attraction for a person with one glance into their eyes.

'hey what do you think of that kid in pe?'
'i think im in love with him'
'you haven't even spoken to him yet'
'have you not heard of love at first sight?'

by gleekgal55 March 10, 2012

34👍 19👎

love at first sight

it does not exist. it is lust, people!

when girls say it was love at first sight, it is lust. they didn't fall in love when they first saw him; they just want his fat steamy dick.

by Dieje April 1, 2009

160👍 121👎

Love at First Sight

He/She is immediately simple like quantum physics. Will manifest physically by an immediate loss of breath followed by brighter eyesight.

Person 1: Have you ever had Love at First Sight?
Person 2: Ya, dude, she made time stop.

by RyanFNation October 1, 2018

love at first sight

1. Occurs in Wegman's parking lots at ungodly hours of the night, many present, but after eyes meet, there is a feeling of warmth and satisfaction inside...that will always be there.

"DUDE, Lindsay and Dave are over?"
"Yeah man"
"But those two were like in love at first sight."
"Those feelings are still there, it just can't work out right now"

by Hell Raiser November 11, 2006

20👍 61👎