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The unselfish act of keeping it real with someone that you care about, especially family & close friends that you treat like family. It means that even though this guy is cute af I'm not gonna disrespect my home girl/sister that's fucking him or been in & out of a relationship with him for 2 years by sneaking behind her back & fucking with him. It is based on the respect you have for someone. If you RESPECTED me then you wouldn't go behind my back . period. Lack of respect = Unloyal!!

Because of my loyalty to my friend, her ex tried me, and I told him fuck no. Even though she's with my ex, I'm not going to stoop to her level & be disloyal.

by Staceyy Lynn @ Thabombdottcom June 17, 2019

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


a strong feeling of support or allegiance. Itโ€™s a slang ,nickname used by a person and his crew ,whose lifestyle is all about being loyal and wants to spread it among peers ... the loyalty team , .. he has the quality of being loyal and few friends can attest to it .. heโ€™s kind and nice as well

The loyalty team is the best , The guy is really going to join the loyalty crew .. people donโ€™t have much interest in loyalty because it hinders them

by Steven mill January 26, 2020


Holding true to people (friends and family) to country (not so much to the land but to the values that made it a free country) and to the nation's defenders those soldiers that are fighting the wars today and all those who have served and most important the fallen soldiers that have died to preserve our way of life.

We should be loyal to our way of life, it may not be the best, but it is the best that we have.

"Try not to be part of the problem but be apart of the solution"

by Thomas December 17, 2003

394๐Ÿ‘ 244๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something yโ€™all niggas know nothing about.

Girl: whereโ€™s your loyalty

Boy: huh??? Whatโ€™s that?

by Wa.vy October 2, 2018

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mutated infected that only stands up for one person no matter how dangerous the problem it will always protect and love that one person.

That Infected Freak has loyalty

by Ellis L4D2 April 8, 2017

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word that your boss regularly spouts out when you play a practical joke on him.

"Where's the LOYALTY?"

by Kacymru November 29, 2013

62๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž


It means that no matter the circumstances, trials, or tribulations and also whether other people switch up, your allegiance to the person or thing will never change. You will always be devoted to them. And your respect will always remain.

Even though he went behind her back and betrayed her, it didn't change the fact that her loyalty still remained for the sake of their friendship... She is a person of integrity.

by Lady_empee08 April 16, 2021