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The only show that has EVER made me laugh outloud. I think it was funnier with TV's Frank and Joel, but still funnier in the later episodes, but hey, I love Tom Servo's Irish Tenor, too...

Let's have a Patrick Swayze Christmas this year.

by JenThe80'sFan April 29, 2004

61👍 21👎


Making fun of a particular video/scene/footage especially music videos.

Abbreviation of Mystery Science Theater 3000

Hee huh, ~I will, I will Bonk you!~ hee huh, look at his pointed guitar, hee huh - boing!!!

Beavis & Butthead

by Bruce Lee December 26, 2005

16👍 38👎

MST3k Style

When you have really atrocious sex and make jokes about how bad it is.

From the cult show MST3k.

Neither of them really knew what they were doing, but they soldiered on and did it MST3k Style.

by Scrotal Wipeout December 1, 2018