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madly pussy whipped

When your girlfriend gives you a bed time, blocks all your friends, and doesn’t let you play any video games or smoke weed.

Damn dude I heard that James kid is madly pussy whipped

by Hahdhdbsh April 4, 2020

Madly in love Crush

When you are so in love with someone that you can't even think about dating anyone else.

Usually starts off as a crush.

*Me Talking about Yungblud for the 1 billionth time today*

My mom: Jarrad, I think you have a little crush on yungblud, don't you think?(sarcastic)

Me: yeah I do, I have a madly in love crush on yungblud! I think about him so bloody much!

Also me: he is so fucking hot omfg.

by AyKay(Kayla) October 6, 2022


Madli is very swag lol

madli so swag

by Swaggggggggg696969 December 29, 2021