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Maitland Monkey

This sexual act involves a male, following a blowjob ,ejaculating all over his female companions face then, whilst she is temporarily blinded the guy throw a pre-hidden stash of pube trimmings on his unsuspecting victums face. The male then sits back and watch his friend do the funky monkey dance as she wipes crab-forest from her eyes

Quote 1:Hey man shoulda seen me get Brenda with this sweet Maitland Monkey last night. Got that bitch good.

Quote 2:Dude i just broke up with with me missus. Didn't know how to break it to her so i just gave her the old maitland monkey instead. Prety sure she got the message. Wanna go have some Leroy Jenkems.

by Ando2 February 23, 2010

5👍 4👎

Saugeen - Maitland Hall

sau.geen mait.land hall saw-geen mate-land hall
- noun, singular
The largest Canadian housing institution of the highest order.

Style: Traditional
Building Opening:1969 (The day the earth stood still) 69: Just saying ;P
Floors: 36 Saugeen: 1-9 Lower, Middle, Upper; Maitland: A-C Lower, Middle, Upper
Dining Hall: Open seven days a week (Known for its waffle bars and wide selection of Gelattos)
Population: 1252 specimens

Staff: 2 Residence Managers, 12 Dons, 24 Residence Advisors, 2 Academic & Leadership Programmers, 1 Assistant Programming Coordinator (PROPS TO THEM ALL)
Washrooms: 2 per floor, both equipped with urinals.

Attractions: Sexual intercourse in public areas, Viral stripper acts, Cutlery theft from the cafeteria, Out of control parties and (according to David Letterman) One of the most popular places to get knocked up. It has also been widely known to house some of the most good looking people known to all of mankind.

Also popularly known as:
- Animal House
- The Zoo
- Jungle Party

e.g: Saugeen - Maitland Hall

1. Saugeen-Maitland's so hot right now. SOOO HOTTT
2. Deep in the heart of the Western Jungle, you can hear the Saugeen rumble. OOH AHH ooh ah, OOH AHH ooh ah.

3. Hey, Saugeen, Red, Yellow, Green, the best res at Western that you've ever seen.


by The Jungle Beast October 13, 2010

35👍 5👎

Saugeen-Maitland Hall

The former king of all residences in the world: "The Zoo". Founded in 1969 Saugeen has the infamous reputation of having the wildest parties, even David Letterman called it "the easiest place to get laid in North America". However the current Saugeen is different from what you may have heard from people who went there back in the day. Prospective students to the UWO hear stories from parents even grandparents about how crazy it was, the cool kids then decide they want to live there and other not so cool kids decide they don't want to live there. Western assumes that if you put Saugeen first on your residence ranking list that you are a hardcore party-goer. Using this information they have killed Saugeen. Western ensures that the cool kids who want to live there (placing Saugeen first on your residence ranking list) do not get to live there and that the not so cool kids who do not want to live there (placing Saugeen low on your residence ranking list) end up there. The suppression of "The Zoo" by ensuring that it is filled with boring people who do not want to party has made Saugeen kinda lame. When students try to restore Saugeen back to its glory, they are met with overly strict punishments. My advice to future students of UWO: restore Saugeen to its former glory. Make this information well-known so Saugeen can be lit again.

This is a list of the most hype residences as of 2018:
1. Med-Syd
2. Essex
3. Deli
4. Saugeen
5. Elgin
6. Perth
7. Ohall

Person 1: Hey man let's do something crazy and make Saugeen-Maitland Hall great again.
Person 2: *hosts a party with Person 1*
Don / RA / Rez Manager: Have fun being on probation :)

by humba5d December 8, 2018

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The Maitland Deluxe

The art of giving coitis to your partner whilst simultaneously performing cunnilingus on their dog. The size of the dog does not matter.

Hey bro, heard you got to do the Maitland Deluxe with your misso last night. Congrats bro, thats so dope, how was it?

by chocciesforbrekky21 November 24, 2021


the most annoying person you’ll ever meet.

always takes things the wrong way, and will constantly bug you about it.

you’ll find yourself repeating the same thing over and over again, while he asks the same things over and over again.

extremely needy and is constantly begging.

likes victimise himself. and tried to guilt you back.

better off without him.

omg maitland is so annoying.

why is maitland so desperate and needy?

all maitland does is annoy me, i wish i didn’t even know him

by judgemental.bitch December 24, 2019

Maitland Middle School

Natalie sucks

natalie went to maitland middle school, she sucks

by bullybitch382042992 November 25, 2021

Rory Maitland

Rory Maitland is a sexy beast who goes to St Leonard's. He is very funny and likes to game in his free time. He is 4ft7 and plays the drumkit like a pro. He is very intelligant andalways does homework the day before it is due.


Look at that sexy boy! who is he?
That would be Rory Maitland the Coolest boy in the world!

by RozzaBOY March 30, 2022