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March 10

March ten is the day that a guy named Bruno gets to slap a girl named Megan

Bruno:Hey Megan!
Megan:Oh Hey
Bruno:*Slaps Megan*

Megan:what the heck was that for?
Bruno itโ€™s March 10

by Daniel99 March 10, 2020

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March 10

March 10 is the 69th day of the year!

Adam:Its 69th day of the year!
Adam:March 10 is the best!

by 69obama69 February 23, 2022

March 10

March 10 is the day you have to tell your crush you like them

Person 1: are you going to tell your crush you like them

Person 2: no

Person 1: but it is March 10
Person 2 fine

by Who. Cares March 10, 2020

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March 10

someone born on March 10 is a good person, Outrageously funny, and an amazing friend. they doubt themselves a lot, they will defend those around them with there lives if they have too, and want only for someone to look up to them. if you are friends with someone born on March 10 and you are in trouble, they will defend you as much as possible.

It also spells MARIO

Person1:that guy totally saved my ass out there!
Person2:yeah! he was born on March 10!

person3; ITSA ME MAR10!

by omegafox456 January 11, 2021

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March 10

{Snitchnine} day(non-leap year)

YO,It's the snitchnineday of march March 10

by Joshthetoaster October 18, 2019

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March 10

Make your boyfriend get in a car with you and drive him around

Girl: Hey Henry get in my car itโ€™s March 10
Henry: whatโ€™s March 10
Girl: itโ€™s National get in your girlfriends car and let her drive you around

by Honk2.0 March 9, 2020

March 10

National skip math. Every student will not go to math on this day. No matter who your teacher is. Do not go to math class.

โ€œWhere are all of my students?โ€

โ€œIts march 10th!โ€

by The Alphabet Abcdefghijklmaop March 8, 2022