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A dishonest, unattractive man that likes young girls.

Maulik that pedo

by October 3, 2023


A dishonest, unattractive man that likes young girls.

Maulik that pedo

by October 3, 2023


Maulik’s say please and thank you, waits his turn in line, and treats others as they wish to be treated. he's hilarious because of the jokes he says, things he does. He is Someone who is loving feels or shows love to other people. makes an effort with his friends and family, because he know’s how much they mean to him. Maulik’s can get special persons in their life who will be with them forever and love em for their life.. one Maulik’s lifeline can be S♥️

That’s a maulik as he has the most loving person in his life.

by Mk November 23, 2021