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Derrius McCloud

A controlling black guy who doesn’t know what he wants to do with his hair . He old af with a deep voice and is abnormally controlling , drives to extreme measures for self pleasure and got all the hoes

“ aye you know about mr.bitches ? “
oh you must be talking bout Derrius McCloud “

by ahijahgangg January 25, 2022

Suzanne McCloud

Something that is really, really, really, really, really, really, really bad.

Student 1:(Learns that there was homework) God damn Suzanne McCloud!!!

by ShittheadMcGhee December 18, 2017

brandon mccloud

the most amazing person in the whole fucking world. I love him so fucking much and he deserves all good things in life. he is the most kind, caring, handsome, sweet, generous and all over good guy. he is the love of my life and i appreciate him so much.

" He's a Brandon Mccloud"

by Hahahah ahhah Yass May 28, 2018