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menstrual cycle

The twenty-eight day cycle between the release of female eggs, ovulation.

Tyrone kept Jennifer knocked up every time she ovulated because he couldn't stand the sight of a bloody cunt; therefore Jennifer's menstrual cycle was almost non-existent since she bore Tyrone's child yearly. When she started her periods again after each birth, he knocked her up again to minimize the bloody periods.

by Richard Black March 24, 2005

34👍 81👎

Menstrual cycle leap year

That time of the month, when that time of the month is supposed to happen, but is delayed. This is due to the fact the leap year affected the menstrual cycle.

This can sometimes cause a woman to believe that she is pregnant. When in fact, it is simply the menstrual leap year at work.

Natalie: Ermahgerd, my period is late. I must be prego!

Seanequa: No, Natalie, you are not prego. It is simply a result of the menstrual cycle leap year.

by Sand-nigger Jesus October 31, 2012

24👍 20👎

Peddling your menstrual cycle

When a woman uses her menstrual cycle as a talking point or an excuse for behavior.

Woman: "I just can't deal with this, I'm on my period" Man: " are you peddling your menstrual cycle?"

Woman: "omfg! I seriously need something sweet rn, this period is insane" Man: "you don't need to peddle your menstrual cycle, just eat a snickers"

by hardyanimal September 1, 2022

1👍 1👎

the menstrual cycles

A good band name for a group of mostly gay teens. They collaborate opera and glam rock, because why not?, they are the menstrual cycles after all.

Person 1: What will we name our band?
Person 2: I don't know, the menstrual cycles.

Did you go to the menstrual cycles concert last night, it was amazing, the way they collaborated opera and glam rock was fantastic
Did you get the new menstrual cycles record, my favourite song on it is either fertile days or the uterus song

by xx Mr. Rottenborn xx May 31, 2022