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Mercy Girls

A girl who attends Our Lady of Mercy High School.

"She's such a Mercy Girl."

by "Anonymous" March 31, 2005

18πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

mercy girl

a girl who attends our lady of mercy academy. thinks a large chocolate chip cookie is breakfast. looks amazing in plad. and spends hundreds of dollars on a costume for sports night.

A mercy girl experiences freshman 15 in high school.

by mercygirl101 January 17, 2008

58πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

mercy girl

a "young lady" that attends one of the all girls high schools run by the sisters of mercy. known to be slutty, rich, and stuck-up. look great in plaid skirts. shave their legs on a monthly basis and feel the need to burp and fart in public and not care what anyone thinks about it. mercy girls are the life of the party and lovee to drink and/or smoke and/or get completely fucked up on a daily basis. they love spirit journeys and random days off.

"god your suchh a mercy girl.."
"fuckkk yeah i am!!!"

by iRawr February 10, 2008

39πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Mercy McCauley Girl

Traffic Hoes
Mercy McCauley girls wear all orange and look traffic cones. And will let any passing car (guy) hit them.
They usually associate themselves with La salle guys from Cincinnati, Ohio.

Those Mercy McCauley Girls are the traffic hoes of Cincinnati.

Boy 1: Let’s invite Mercy McCauley Girls.
Boy 2: You mean the traffic hoes? Yeah! We are sure to get some from them!

by lanasky June 28, 2020

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Mercy College girls

crazy girls with attitude πŸ˜‚ if they like Pius boys then they've obviously never seen Knox boys. The girls are sexy af and they definitely know how to attract the boys. Depending on who you're talking to a Mercy girl will always have a good reputation.

Pius boy1: damn that Mercy college girl is hot
Pius boy: I think she's with a Knox boy
Pius boy1: Don't worry she'll learn to love me, I know how to get all the Mercy College girls

by Bruhdontjudge May 29, 2019