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A big gaping vagina the size of a hallway.

"One does not simply Slip'n'Slide into Mordor!"

by Cait Sith April 13, 2006

80๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place you don't want to go.

One does not simply waltz into Mordor!

by Barsabus Justus March 20, 2003

33๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anal Sex

A: "Man, today i'm gonna try have anal sex with Samantha"
B: "Wow! good luck with Mordor"

by kakaroto_oto_oto August 16, 2014

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A special move in the original Super Smash Bros. only to be performed by Kirby with impeccable timing.

It is able to be stopped if detected early, but this remains top secret.

Kirby's "Mordor" (underground lingo) technique is simply waiting at the edge of a stage while the opponent tries to get back, and then "Up + B"ing them causing a massive spike downward into the depths of Mordor itself.

Some say, "One does not simply walk into Mordor"

Well, apparently those gullible enough to not know how to stop it do.

by TheRyster February 18, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


One does not simply walk into it.

Boromir: one does not simply... walk into mortor...
Aragorn: its mordor
Boromir: what?
Aragorn: its "mordor", with a "d"
Boromir: one does not simply walk into mordor...
Frodo: um... yes you do...
Boromir: shut up!,no you dont!
Frodo: yes you do, you tottally do
Boromir: nuh-uh!. you need like... an army.
with, like... ninjas... and... um... wizards!
Gandalf: i'm a wizard!
Boromir: yeah, but you're not a ninja
maybe some bears, too... bears that shoot laser beams out of their eyes. oh man, that would be so frickin' AWESOME!

by Ruopolo March 13, 2008

480๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž


the middle earth equivalent of compton.

sauron is the landlord and crack dealer of mordor.

by sssshhhhyyyyiiiiittttttt February 28, 2010

88๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, Mordor is the dwelling place of Sauron, in the southeast of Middle-earth to the East of Anduin, the great river. Frodo and Sam went there to destroy the One Ring. Mordor was unique because of the three enormous mountain ridges surrounding it, from the North, from the West and from the South, that protected this land from an unexpected invasion by any of the people living in those directions.

Mordor was a relic of the devastating works of Morgoth, apparently formed by massive volcanic eruptions. It was given the name Mordor already before Sauron settled there, because of its volcano Orodruin and its eruptions.

Mordor actually has two meanings: "The Black Land" in Tolkien's contrived language Sindarin, and "The Land of Shadow" in Quenya. The root mor ("dark", "black") also appears in Moria. Dor ("land") also appears in Gondor ("stone-land") and Doriath ("fenced land"). The Quenya word for Shadow is "mordo".

A proposed etymology out of the context of Middle-earth is Old English morthor, which means "mortal sin" or "murder". (The latter are descended from the former.) It is not uncommon for names in Tolkien's fiction to have relevant meanings in several languages, both those invented by Tolkien, and "real" ones, but this of course happens with any two languages. Mordor is also a name cited in some Nordic mythologies referring to a land where its citizens practise evil without knowing it, imposed on themselves by the society long created for that purpose. This quite fits with Tolkien's Mordor.

Sauron settled in Mordor shortly after the end of the First Age

by Junglemanchild August 1, 2005

203๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž