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1. Someone without a job.
2. Someone without money.
3. A dude who somehow manages to get all the chicks.

I got fired last week, so I think I'm gonna be a musician.

by buttplug December 5, 2003

114๐Ÿ‘ 380๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who takes everyday thoughts and puts it into art.

The Beatles, Pink Floyd, etc.

Oh, and my exmaple clarifies what type of musician I am talking about.

Pleaaaase dooooooon't beeee loooooooong...

by i may be asleep October 14, 2005

200๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


A group of persons who play or produce music.

Those musicians put on quite a show, I've never heard such good music!

by janetjet December 23, 2004

53๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


The one job group other than actors/actresses where nobody cares if they're obscenely rich.

Mitt Romney made $13.7 million in 2011 and 2 mansions and people made fun of his money until he finally lost the election.

Lil Wayne (as an example for musicians) made $18 million in 2011 and owns 3 mansions and a Bugatti Veyron (notable for being $1 million or more) and nobody gives him flak about it.

by pseudonym name April 21, 2013

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

closet musician

Closet musicians are people who typically play with their instrument(s) of choice by themselves in their room. Don't usually like to perform in front of people and can vary in level of skill.

Nah, I'm somewhat of a closet musician.

by taphi1234 July 23, 2011

Musician Delusion

When a musician or band has an over inflated sense of talent. Fan base usually consists of family and friends whom are obligated to support them.

"I'd rather listen to stray cats in heat than one more minute of this crap, these guys have musician delusion."

"No dude, I'm sure that you'll be discovered in this midwestern dive bar, (under his breath as friend walks away) wow he's totally got musician delusion!"

by Ms Keepin real January 17, 2012

COVID musicians

Musicians who have sprung up during the COVID Pandemic due to having more time at home to learn an instrument.

Iโ€™ve bought two ukuleles and a Yamaha keyboard so far; clearly Iโ€™ve joined the ranks of the COVID musicians whoโ€™ve sprung up all over the world over the last few months!

by Dr Bunnygirl June 1, 2020